Return to Index › Re: Preaching or Teaching? - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Wow (female) - 2007-09-28
Re: Preaching or Teaching? - Teachers Discussion

Yes, I will apply the wisdom of my Caribbean heritage, the wisdom of my adopted Canadian heritage and the wisdom of the heritage of all my friends from the many parts of the world which I am happy to always learn from since I am well aware that I do not 'know it all', which you seem to appear to believe about yourself.

I am not so delusional that I believe that I can separate myself from where I am from, from my heritage of country, race, culture or otherwise. They are all part of who I am and what I will become. Any anyone with intelligence realizes the same.

Funny, you who claim not to be .... have now decided to target my heritage, and I have noted some other similar comments by you to others, gingermeggs for example.

You seem to be quite a character.

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