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#1 Parent grinning buddha - 2007-10-20
Re: Chinese Taxation - Teachers Discussion

Well and good, but tax is owed the Chinese coffers if you earn more than 4800 yuan a month, full stop. Whether your employer dodges paying your tax is a moot point. I have paid tax on occasion and my current employer is taking extra care to make sure I do not qualify for tax paying. He does so by paying my bonus in cash while my basic salary is trasnferred to my bank account, leaving tracks everywhere. It would look scurrilous if a public school of my employer's standing wouldn't pay enough for their teachers to have to return some of the money to the state...

Anyway, to satisfy the original poster's query: I used to get very good information from a website www.dezshira.com
Not sure if they provide this kind of information at this moment, though; I remember the tax kicked in at 5%, then 10, and rising quite quickly to over 20%.

#2 Parent kjk_esl - 2007-10-19
Re: Chinese Taxation - Teachers Discussion

A couple of points here that I have experienced in China. You are to pay tax if you make over a certain amount and I do believe that is 4000 or 5000 yuan a month. Your school should be paying your tax for you but this rarely happens as the school often has a "friend" in the tax office and this "friend" lets the school miss out on paying the tax. I have seen this first hand with the school that I worked at. Non of the staff had tax taken off and this was both the Chinese and foreign teachers/staff. Most of the world operates differently than the west and we are often taken back by this but we do things differently here as compared to China or any other country.

#3 Parent James - 2007-10-19
Chinese Taxation - Teachers Discussion *Link*


Regarding the Chinese tax table that you've requested: The Chinese institution for which you work should be liable for payment of such tax to the government. Therefore, if you sign a contract for 4600RMB per month, then this amount should reflect the net salary that you should have in your hand at the end of each month.

I hope I understood your question correctly.

A good website for info. on China is below.

China is an amazing place, I hope you enjoy it!


Lucia - 2007-10-15
taxation system in China

Could you please post on this website the taxation system in China if you happen to have a copy? I am specifically concerned with the different brackets starting from the taxable income which is over 4800 RMB. Thanks a lot.

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