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#1 Parent Jerome - 2007-11-14
not blond or overweight - Teachers Discussion

Wow Anna, you've ruined my whole day. I'm not fat and I'm definitely not blond, so I guess I'm not really an American. Well, that could be a good thing these days I guess, as we Yanks have an increasingly tarnished image worldwide.

Aside from that though, your point is well taken. There is a system of exclusivity in place in regards to the hiring of non-native English speakers in China. One can only hope that the system will change in the near future, since their are definitely many qualified English teachers from the Philippines and many other countries.

However, if the system does change, I hope it will do so in a way that mandates that anyone seeking a job as an ESL/EFL teacher will demonstrate an ability to write and speak at a level that warrants their being hired for such a position. Clearly, judging from your post, you still need a little more practice on your writing. But don't get me wrong; there are many native speakers now teaching in China that couldn't "write their way out of a paper bag."

Well, guess I better go because I need to rush to the store to buy some blond dye for my hair. Oh yeah, I better start shoveling in the noodles too so as to add several more pounds to this skinny frame of mine. Wouldn't want to be replaced at my job by a fat blond.

#2 Parent anna - 2007-11-13
Re: why only native - Teachers Discussion

its a worldwide assamption that native speakers are better than non native speakers. especially it is irritating since i have graduated the same faculty in english lit as native speakers with the same grades and sometimes even better. language is something u have to feel... >\-| anyway, for me its the same story , they are veryyyyy impressed by my accent and level and hire an american instead coz im not blond and overweight , which sorta is the convention of how an american teacher should look like

#3 Parent Jemon Mamar - 2007-11-08
Re: why only native - Teachers Discussion

That's right Razak. Some Asians believe that if you're white, with blue eyes and blonde hair, you are qualified to teach English - but if otherwise, you can't have the job.
Some Asians don't believe in the competence of their Asian brothers and sisters in teaching the english language. Some of them believe, we're cheap. They don't realize that by doing it - they are attacking themselves!
Give equal opportunities to non-Native English speakers and you will see the difference! Try us!

#4 Parent Shaun Goeldner - 2007-11-08
Re: why only native - Teachers Discussion

Hi Larrie,what you said is exactly right,many schools, or whatever they might call themselves,only want white teachers. Sometimes,this is not enough though. You have to be Anglo, AND have blonde hair and blue eyes. If you are white, but youv'e got black hair and brown eyes,it is still a disadvantage.I hear that redheads are all the rage now. Sounds more like a modelling agency than an education system.

#5 Parent Larrrie White - 2007-11-07
Re: why only native - Teachers Discussion

I am African-American with 20+ years teaching experience Retired teacher and have been told on several occassions that "we only want white teachers"
Its not your skill its your skin.

#6 Parent Razak - 2007-11-05
why only native - Teachers Discussion

i am an African with a bachelor degree in business management currently in china looking for teaching job.All the responses are that they need a native speaker and am mad at this.This so embarrasing,can somebody advise them that we are equally good at teaching English.

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