Return to Index › 58 year old wanting to teach overseas? *Picture*
#1 Parent rmartin - 2007-11-28
Re: 58 year old wanting to teach overseas?

I am 54 and I have been teaching English in East Asia since 2001.
If your health is good and you are energetic, age is not a problem.
At first some elementary school students may call you "grandfather" but that blows over quickly as they get to know you.
Socially, if you are a drinker, that crowd is mainly under 35.
If you have health problems, health care and medication is expensive in this part of the world and medical insurance programs usually cover only a percentage of the cost.
Some people here are superstitious and believe that a sick person around them will bring them bad luck, so it's better NOT to talk about any health history.
Good Luck.

#2 Parent Shaun Goeldner - 2007-11-27
Re: 58 year old wanting to teach overseas?

Hi Mark,I think your age is not a problem whatsoever.From a personal perspective,I would rather teach in China than Korea. I have worked in Hubei province,and lived in Changchun for a while. The people in both these places were extremely kind and friendly to me. Teaching in China can be frustrating at times,mainly because of the arrogant,superficial,and dishonest people you will inevitably meet at many languauge schools. However,do not be put off by this,most of the mainland Chinese people are good. If you are prepared to put up with a bit of crap (sometimes a lot of crap)then it is OK to work and live in China. Do some extensive research on any schools,and locations you are intending to work at. Ask lots of questions-if a school won't answer your questions promptly,or they seem evasive,then usually they have something to hide.

The only problem with being an older teacher is that some schools will try to sack you after a while,so they can replace you with a younger (usually blonde,female teacher)It does not matter what your teaching ability is like. This has happened to me before ( I am only 39 ) Anyway,if you want to go to China or Korea,I say just go for it.

Mark Antokas - 2007-11-26
58 year old wanting to teach overseas? *Picture*

Hi all. I am a 58 year old male who is thinking of teaching in Korea or China. I will have my Tesol, and have ESL teaching experience in Germany in the past and have other teaching experience as well, here in the States. Could anyone in this forum advise whether my age would be a hinderance to teaching overseas? Perhaps suggest a likely country? Thanks, Mark.

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