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#1 Parent Karen - 2007-12-07
Re: us degree

University of Massachusettes - Boston


It's a new program, not too expensive and good!

#2 Parent Joe - 2007-04-27
Universities - Teachers Discussion

Emporia State University (KS) has a TESOL that can be done all or partially online. Drexel University Online has an international education MS. Indiana U-Bloomington also has an online education degree and online ESL certificate.


#3 Parent sara - 2005-01-20
us degree

Hi Ryan,
I'm also looking for an online graduate university but I would prefer an American university. Try:
Salem International University www.salemiu.edu. I would also appreciate more info on this subject.

#4 Parent Robert - 2005-01-07
They are Real

Both Aston University and The Open University are real. Take time to do some research before you speak. Or weren't you taught that when takiong your masters, or bachelors? :b

#5 Parent Anglo-Hellenic Teacher Recruitment - 2005-01-06
Masters in Education (Applied Linguistics)

Many reputable universities offer MA courses by distance learning. This mode allows you to continue working while you study, and so integrate the learning into your own classroom practice.

As I'm from the UK, the two that I have personal experience of are from Aston University (the course I studied)

and the Open University (a course I teach)

#6 Parent Edward - 2005-01-06
Get a real one

Go to a real college or University and get a real Master's degree. Since you will be teaching English, a Master's degree in English is always useful, or perhaps Education or Education Administration.

Ryan - 2005-01-05
Others: Online Masters in TESL\TEFL\Linguistics?


Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I am searching for an online Masters program in TESL\Linguistics etc. Can anyone recommend a quality program or perhaps advice on which Masters degree is more commonly accepted? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.


[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:39 AM]

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