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#1 Parent Kevin - 2007-12-29
Re: Change, and What it Takes/linguisticus

Well, for once you've manage to stay on track - I'll give you that much, but you're still hung up on sweeping generalities that suggest to me that your experience is not as broad as you would have us believe.

The "confrontationalism" that you reference is only a reaction to your rhetoric which is anything but non-confrontational. As for my arrogance, well, if that's what you call a penchance for truth, I can only wax biblical for a moment and mention that I shouldn't "cast pearls before swine." But oh well, what the hell, I'm not a Christian.

Have I "mindlessly" repeated that "there are more vacancies than there are suitable applicants?" Gee, I better start using my mind while I repeat that because it's definitely true. Do I wish to perpetuate a "myth?" No.

My "rants" attract flies? I'm sure your colleagues love that one.

And as for love, I'm sure the Chinese would love your put down of everything associated with the education system here. It's actually sad that people like you can't find any of the positives because you're so hung up on looking for the negatives. Wake up and smell the coffee dude!

Oh well, blah, blah, blah.......you're boring me.

But finally, your assumption that Chinese teachers are usually asked to teach grammar because of a prejudicial belief is a little bit zany also. The sad truth is that there is a perception, based on reality, that most FLT's don't know grammar from schmammer. And why is that? It's because they love that free ride and far be it for them to spend a little time learning some basic grammar so that that perception could change. I've heard it a thousand times.........."Wah, I hate grammar." Geez, if I had some cheese and crackers with that whine, I'd be a fat cat indeed.

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