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#1 Parent eng.teacher - 2008-01-10
Im sorry Joyce

I'm sorry my reply to your silly post upset you so much Joyce but you must remember that I and others here will not simply accept your half baked ideas and supposed beliefs without question as I am sure your students do. You give the impression that anyone who has the audacity to query your inane postings must automatically be of a lower intellectual level than you are. What an arrogant belief.
You say I am "...unable to grasp even the most simplistic sentences, constructed especially for you, with a simplistic vocabulary, therefore, you don't understand anything you read!..." I am very flattered that you and others think of me as you type your postings and constuct them , using simplistic sentences so that I,with my obviously inferior intellect, can understand them. But let us be honest with each other, dear Joyce. You have simply made that statement up in a desperate attempt to belittle me haven't you? Do you really think that I or any other reader will believe that statement? No, my love, everyone reading that will know it to be an untruth, a fib, a LIE ! How desperate you must be to defend your position in order to stoop to lying!
It also seems that I have won my little wager. I knew you would not answer the questions I posed to you simply because if you were to do so TRUTHFULLY you would expose yourself for the hypocrite that you know yourself to be. You claim that.. "When you author something worthwhile (which will be the first time),I might deign to reply to specifics ". I simply ask , if that is the case why have you replied to my posts in the past? More untruths Joyce?
So, as you are so obviously afraid to answer the questions I posed to you you leave me no choice but to answer them for you.
Firstly you use the article in The International Herald and Tribune simply because you blindly agreed, without question, with the opinions expressed by the author. I would suggest you try to think a little more critically before using any articles in future.
Secondly you DID NOT KNOW that Tsinghua University was NOT ranked in the top 150 Universities in the world in 2007 did you Joyce? You had simply read or been told that it was the best University in China and blindly believed that that fact made it " prestigious " . It may be considered prestigious in China but in a worldwide context ??? Check your FACTS before posting in future. That way you will not make yourself look so foolish and ignorant.
Next, your belief that FT's should have a background in Chinese history / The history of Chinese Education. You have NO background in either ! Therefore it follows that, by your own standards, you are NOT QUALIFIED to teach in China ! If you remain doing so you are a HYPOCRITE !
To continue...
Your opinion that " most , if not all of us, should keep our mouth shut on the subject and just do the job we were hired to do to the best of our ability and permit China and the Chinese to run their country as they see fit!" is just an excuse for the crass censorship that already exists in China and proof that you simply do not believe in freedom of speech unless those doing the speaking agree with you ! Thats why you contiually try to bully and belittle people here on this board who do not agree with you. You are a BULLY ! No better than those frightened , paranoid despots that rule China with no mandate from, or concern for, the Chinese people. I have no doubt that given the oppurtunity you would silence all dissenters just as they do. You use the word " most " Who should choose who is allowed to express their opinion? You? Me? Who? Of course you cannot, and will not, answer that question, as once again you simply have not thaught your opinion through and goes to show that the depth of your thinking is extremely shallow.
So that seems to be you my dear Joyce. An arrogant, ignorant,bully and liar,a hypocrite incapable of critical or in depth thaught. I find it very sad that a person like you is allowed to to teach in any country but once again it just shows that the Chinese will accept anything or anyone as long as they can make a few Yuan.
I take it that you will now be packing your things in readiness for your departure from China seeing as how, and I know I am repeating myself, you are NOT QUALIFIED, by your own standards to remain. Or will you be staying on and proving my point about your hypocricy ?
I look forward to your insulting attempt to belittle me with your reply as I, unlike you, believe in EVERYONES RIGHT to express their opinions no matter how naive, foolish or stupid they may be.

Sweet dreams sweetheart.

I think number 2 below is the one you should take a long hard look at.


Main Entry: hypocrite
Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
Date: 13th century
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings


Billy Liar

He fights the boredom of his humdrum existence by constant daydreaming and flights of fancy. Much of this fantasy life is centred on an imaginary country called Ambrosia, where Billy is the ruler and military hero. He also makes up stories about himself and his family to make life more interesting, earning him the nickname 'Billy Liar'.

Keith Waterhouse

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