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#1 Parent eng.teacher - 2008-01-11
oops you did it again !

Recognize this Joyce? You should do. Its from a website for which YOU provided a link to in your post " suzhi jiaoyu " dated 2nd January 2008.

"...This leads to perhaps the most common complaint from foreign teachers. Chinese students generally show a complete lack of study skills and there is an almost complete absence of critical thinking. For example, literature students memorise the names of western authors and their works. They seldom actually read the texts. When studying a poem, they will be told the meaning and interpretation by their teacher and are expected to repeat this interpretation verbatim in the examination. I once asked a group of university third year students what they thought of a poem I had asked them to read and was told,

"We don't know. You haven't told us yet."


It would seem that even the websites you try to use to to strengthen your cause fundementally undermine it.
Never mind deary. Keep trying !


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