Return to Index › Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?
#1 Parent dual - 2008-02-03
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?

Why dont you ask Perlandas recruitment agency? Hahaha... of course the answer, for money.

So you people here stop fighting. Both native and non native are being
used to be cheated.

#2 Parent Just wanna share something - 2008-01-23
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?

To Whom It May Concern: F.Y.I.

We will only hire teachers with fluent oral English. We are looking for professional teachers only. Teachers from the Philippines are most welcome.

"an ad from one of many international schools here in china"

#3 Parent Beck - 2008-01-20
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?


That's an interesting one.Funny enough, Chinese don't believe that American born Chinese can teach English. They think to teach English you must be a white with a long nose. They prefer I German or a French who is able to say "what's up man"? to a black Canadian, let alone an American born Asian. How clever are they? They believe in fake....Hence they think any chinese can teach Chinese...hahaha...Education and business are two extremists. They think they are good match. :?

#4 Parent JNET - 2008-01-20
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?


just a one way answer to your question: We FILIPINOS (please
note the spelling of our nationality) teach English far better
than chinese english teachers.
And Frank, anything that has to do with education here in
china is purely BUSINESS.

Ooppppsssssss......what have i done, answering a question
especially/specially made for chinese employers :?

Van Frank - 2008-01-20
Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?

I just wish to tell those Chinese schools that if they are unable to get their white native speakers they should get Chinese English teachers to do the job. It's amazing that since 1998, employers of English teachers continue to say they need teachers only from native speakers countries (US,UK, Australia,Canada and Newzealand) AND ONLY FROM THESE FIVE COUNTRIES. Their famous statement.Surprisingly enough 65% of English teachers teaching in China are non native speakers from Africa and some Phillipinos. The question I want to ask Chinese employers is thus; CAN NON NATIVE SPEAKERS TEACH ENGLISH BETTER THAN CHINESE ENGLISH TEACHER? CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT CHINESE CLIAMED TO HAVE A BETTER ENGLISH ACCENT THAN NON NATIVE SPEAKERS, IS IT JUST BUSINESS OR THEY SIMPLY NEED A FOREIGN FACE IN SCHOOL? I am lloking forward to an answer to this puzzle
Frank <:l

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