Return to Index › Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (linguisticus)
#1 Parent Feliza - 2008-01-22
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (linguisticus)

Frank you are not being sensible, Geoffrey you have a point, Anderson and silverboy, you have a fair overview in so many aspects and thanks to those who believe in the people who are capable and competent to teach. May they be native or non-native speakers.Let us help and not create chaos.They don't care about these issues, what they are after for is to learn English and international information,after they have learned from us, we will have no importance at the end afterall. China is a huge country. There are so many schools so why have a conflict and create issues? Goodluck to everyone

Anderson - 2008-01-21
Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (linguisticus)

We have to agree that it is the prerogative of the schools to hire whom they please. If they prefer white native speakers of English, so be it. It has been mentioned on the web that schools "hire their foreign teachers mainly for window dressing to impress the parents," according to a white principal of a language school. One advertisement put out by a school even goes so far to say: No Filipinos, please. Why should Filipinos be singled out by the school? Is it on the grounds that they are not white-skinned? Is it because they come from a country whose education system is not on a par with developed countries? Or is it because the school has had bad experiences of Filipino teachers, and found them incompetent in the English Language? They might have come across a Filipino English professor of a school in China who, in his profile on his schools website, writes he is a former IELTS trainor and facilator, "has a vast work and training experiences, enthuiastic person to every new ideas and various things . They might wonder how an English professor of the school could make such glaring mistakes in English. The profiles of two of his Filipino colleagues on the schools website also contain grammatical errors. But Filipinos who are competent in English should not be singled out for ostracism.

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