Return to Index › Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (linguisticus)
#1 Parent Anderson - 2008-02-08
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (Turnpi))

Obviously, you do not know the meaning of the word quote. Note how I use the word here. I quote the definition of the word from a dictionary: to repeat the exact words that another person has said or written. You can never find I quote extelfer in my post. Period. It requires an authority to judge that another person is not a good authority. And you are not.

#2 Parent Turnpi - 2008-02-06
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (pinayinchina)

Extefler is certainly not a good "authority" to quote, and if he really is ex (i.e., out of the ESL teaching business) it is good as this person should never have been a "teacher"... and mostly likely, this person never really was.

#3 Parent Anderson - 2008-01-29
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (pinayinchina)

How can it be a compliment when the English of highly educated Filipinos like you leaves much to be desired? I note what extefler says about your English. In your posts, you are also not precise in what you say. The phrasing of some of your sentences and expressions is rather awkward. You say My degree is Business Management and that you teach Business English. Since you have a degree in Business Management (thats the way to say it), you should know how extensive the brain drain is from your country. Concerning the brain drain, you could read the other post of mine. You have no right to tell people what to do. I am giving a word of advice to Filipinos who are patriotic; they can ignore it if they like.

#4 Parent pinayinchina - 2008-01-26
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (linguisticus)

Anderson, thank you for the compliment that many of us
are highly educated. But I disagree that our country is
suffering from a "great brain drain".

Even we are not at home we can still show our love
to our country and you have no right to tell or
to encourage people what to do. I'm showing and doing my
part as a Filipino in my own way and I don't need
to tell people what I'm doing.

#5 Parent Anderson - 2008-01-25
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers? (linguisticus)

You say: Then again, I have come across ads that advertised jobs explicitly for FILIPPINOS; my suspicion is they hire FIlippinos in order to undercut the high costs of employing Westerners. You have a point, but why should they target Filipinos? Many of them are highly educated working not only in China, but also in other countries. Their country is suffering from a great brain drain, and patriotic Filipinos (like pinayinchina) should be encouraged to return and help their country.

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