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#1 Parent Magister - 2012-02-04
Re: Re EF Urumqi - Teachers Discussion

To me, working in a private school in China is akin to working in a Sales and Marketing position in the West.

If you can 'put up the numbers' that the company wants then yes, you'll be successful.

The reason for this is that most private schools expend more time and effort on sales and marketing than they do on academic quality. To argue about whether this is right or wrong is pointless. It's just a fact!

Anyone considering coming to work in private school in China should consider that
1. The schools primary aim is to make money
2. A foreign teacher is a hefty investment by the school and if that investment doesn't pay off then the Chinese management will have no problem with cutting you lose (refer to point 1.)
3. If you are on a year long contract then you can be sure that they'll want you to start performing straight away. Take anything a school says to you about 'developing you as a teacher' with a large pinch of salt because they're not going to pay you 3-4 times the average salary of a Chinese worker for you to attend training sessions (refer to points 1 & 2)
4. Chinese management very rarely encourage creativity, independence and decision making in their staff. They want it done their way and their way only. If you can't handle that then again you'll be gone

I've met plenty of people who have worked at private schools for shorter periods (1-2years) and enjoyed it because they were able to stomach the above and fit in with what the school wants. If you can't then don't bother taking a job at a private school in China.

#2 Parent I am a former teacher at this school - 2012-02-03
Re: Re EF Urumqi - Teachers Discussion

I am a former teacher at this school as well
To mention that there is a misconduct there is to say nothing
In so many words most of foreign schools that operate in China maintain the same policy Either you cooperate with the local management or you are out
I am still working in China in one of the foreign schools there and I have confronted the same kind of the situation
My friend who formerly worked at EF has lost his job twice being provoked to violence even though he is not the type who seeks conflict I think he is just not the cooperating type of a person Believe me your success of staying with the school has nothing to do with professional qualities For those of you who might not know the lady a foreign manager who was in charge of EF Urumqi since 2006 was far behind her predecessor It's mostly about paving the way to those who make money
I would not bring it about but I have encountered dangerous tendency when the health and reputation of the teachers especially foreigners closely depends on how they fit into the frame of common opinion
I guess that's an idea
Thank You

#3 Parent Dobe - 2011-05-28
Re EF Urumqi - Teachers Discussion

I agree absolutely The only comment I wanted to add is that I am also a former teacher at this school and I witnessed a lot of misconduct and abuse from the side of the management who tends to satisfy every demand coming from the side of the locals totally ignoring the rights and demands of the foreigners working there

#4 Parent Matthew - 2008-09-08
Re: EF Urumqi - Teachers Discussion

I thoroughly enjoyed my two years at EF Urumqi, in fact I'll be returning in the future. If anyone would like to know more about the school please email me.

#5 Parent Matthew - 2008-09-08
Re: One of EF Victims - Teachers Discussion

Liked by all staff. Are you sure???
I don't think I'll bother to comment on the rest. All rubbish.

#6 Parent Doe - 2008-01-31
Re: One of EF Victims - Teachers Discussion

Hey Buddy
Whom are you calling clowns?
The people mentioned on this discussion forum are all real people I can assure you of that Many of them (not all though) are the native speakers whose qualifications have been approved by the international ESL centres or Universities in the US UK New Zealand South Africa Canada etc
Do you want to argue any more?
I am saying this on behalf of all those poor vicitims whom I chance to meet and many of whom had suffered physical injuries and moral discomfort
They successfully managed to find the place in other schools and from what I've heard many of them are satisfied with their present conditions of work
Now making statements like the one you have made can only mean one thing you are an ignorant selfish asshole or you place these comments in order to protect the "so-called reputation" of those whose responsibility is to manage the school properly
Think about it when shit like this happens to you


#7 Parent indigenous - 2007-11-18
Re: EF Hutton - Teachers Discussion

where's this EF Hutton? what is bad/good about it? my turn with EF was ok alas that was in SZ..

#8 Parent Pete - 2007-11-17
Re: One of EF Victims - Teachers Discussion

One would have to question the integrity of any school purporting to teach English if they hire half literate clowns like this...! Hey, he looks foreign, he'll do...

#9 Parent Ai Mei Ren - 2007-07-12
One of EF Victims - Teachers Discussion

Hi to guys who linger arround this forum.

I just read this article by Ai Jiang Shan talking the treatment of teachers at EF Urumqi.
I arrived Urumqi on a steady feet and was devoted taking up this miraculous job with a good zeal. When I arrived there, I heard a lot "small talks" about my new employer. Afterall, I still gave that a deaf ear for was I willing to cure the disease in EF Urumqi. I had worked closely and efficiently and was liked by all staff.

Telling you guys a little more, I was picked-up, 1 hour late on my arrival in Urumqi for the job. I was immidiately taken to an empty but messed apartment with broken sofa and licking water heater. I din't care more about that for the ADos promised getting it fixed as soon as possible. My apartment was once a Jane Doe's, the Black American from Canada. I started work on a good footing trying not to get the previous blames or avoiding from being fired.

My complains started coming up just two months later.
First, I had an X-Visa (student Visa)
Second, I am not experienced
Third, My health situation was unbarable and
Lastly, I'm not a native speaker.

All these complains came to me like a dream coz EF was aware of everything and had hired me coz they new I was an efficient product. Before arriving EF You Hao, it was well noted that I'm a qualified ESL Teacher. Moreso, they knew I'm arriving with an X-Visa.

One month later, I was fired without a visa and after a long battle with the Tonia Feng. One of my closed colleagues was a man during my reign and was determined to fight for a better working condition and the against loop holes EF You Hao was creating, unfortunately he was also fired two months later. I could have started seeking asylum in China since I haven't a residence permit at the monent. But by God's Grace, I picked up a new job with a University still in Urumqi with only 16 working hrs a week and with a salary of 5.500RMB a month.

What puzzled me is, "are the DOS and ADos of EF Urumqi qualified"? :?
Hiring today and firing the next morning.

The "wise man" is Bruce Doe(LOL) who dumped his job with EF You Hao after smelling the EF Urumqi Disease. . Recently, the next victim is Ruslan Doe, who went through torment finishing his contract but was denied a new contract eventhough he was willing to continue smelling "shit".

#10 Parent Gored by the Rings - 2007-03-28
EF Hutton - Teachers Discussion

Hi! Has anybody ever worked there at EF Hutton? I saw an ad about those guys and thought it was a good deal. It seems like a lot of the people here at the bored have worked at a lot of the EF places. Does anybody know anything about it?

#11 Parent TheLordOfSomehting - 2007-03-26
EF crap! - Teachers Discussion

Wherever you go - this board or anywhere else - they are full with complaints about EF somewhere - China, Indonesia or somewhere else. They are a crap school chain, all they want is to make money and know nothing, nothing at all about education!
These cases of racial discrimination only add to this, and probably it would not be very much different anywhere else.
Save your time, energy and nerves by NOT WORKING FOR THEM!

ai jiang shan - 2007-03-26
EF Urumqi - Teachers Discussion


This letter is to inform you of the gross misconduct by one of your franchise schools, EF Urumqi Youhao. During my one year of service for Ef Urumqi I have seen the mistreatment of many foreign teachers. Now that I personally have been ill treated, I feel it is time to say something to protect the professionalism of your school. I am aware of EFs prestigious reputation and I feel EF Urumqi does not uphold your standards of professionalism and service.

I arrived in Urumqi on 3 April 2006. The first couple of months were fine as our centre had a steady group of teachers and class loads upheld those stipulated in the contract. Then, John Doe was fired for reasons pertaining to appearance. EF felt that John was too old though he was only in his early 50s. He was fired with only one days notice and had his visa and apartment immediately revoked. As a teacher who worked closely with John, I can attest to the fact that he was a great teacher and was well liked by his students.

The DoS for EF Urumqi, John Doe2 was fired shortly there after. John Doe2 worked as a liaison between the teachers and management and his dismissal seriously disrupted communication between the two parties. At this time, breaches of contract occurred pertaining to overtime, extra-curricular activities (such as oral placement interviews and the sending of foreign teachers to recruit students intrusively in locations such as KFC and street corners) and the sending of teachers to remote locations without appropriate travel pay. Shortly thereafter, EF Shanghai was informed and appropriate amendments were made to protect the teachers interests. However, after pay was allotted for some travel time, the extra hours were not counted toward the max hours per week. Thus, many teachers were forced to work overtime without pay.

EF Urumqi Youhao then became embattled in two racial discrimination cases. The first case was Jane Doe, a female African American teacher. Janes first couple days of work were filled by complaints from EF local staff stating that they were afraid of Jane Doe and that she was not a nice person. They stated that Jane did not talk to them enough when she came to and left work everyday. The AdoS, of EF Urumqi then began making claims that Jane was not a native English speaker though she had grown up in Toronto for her entire life. After it was proved that Jane was a native English speaker, the administration changed their line of claims by stating that students and their parents were complaining about Janes teaching skills. However, during Janes first month of teaching I worked closely with her as she observed many of my classes. I found that all of the students loved Jane and were very interested in her life and background. After blatant acts of racism from a number of local staff members, Jane was forced to leave Urumqi on her on will. The situation had become too difficult for her to deal with.

The next case of racial discrimination occurred between John Doe3 and EF Urumqi Youhao. Many of the same things that happened with Jane during the early part of her contract also happened to John. I was even approached by some staff members who asked me if I thought John smelled bad. There were also trumped up claims made stating that Johns students could not understand him. As someone who worked closely with John, I can attest that his courses were clear and precise. In a last ditch effort to relieve John of his duties; EF Urumqi fired him because of a medical issue that for privacy reasons I am not disclosed to talk about. If you are interested in discussing this issue, please contact Tonya Feng at EF Urumqi China.

The next incident of mistreatment and unlawful firing of an employee occurred in January 2007. Mary Doe came to Urumqi to teach with the assurance that Urumqi was a climate that supported a healthy lifestyle for asthmatics. Obviously, if you have ever been to Urumqi you will know this is not the case. Anyways, when Mary arrived she started suffering from frequent asthma attacks and was forced to go to hospital for treatment. Her first incident coincided with the end of her probationary period and instead of refunding her ticket to return home, EF extended her probationary period and shortly thereafter fired her. After lying to her about environmental conditions in Urumqi, EF left Mary without an apartment, a paycheck or a plane ticket home.

My personal mistreatment from Urumqi EF came after I suffered a major injury after falling into a hole in the street and breaking my left ankle. EF did not assist me in seeking medical care and if it were not for the good grace of my friends here in Urumqi I would have been in a sad state. I had a major reconstructive surgery and spent two weeks in the hospital recovering. I was only visited by EF local staff one time and during that visit they tried to get me to sign another year contract. I was under the influence of pain medication (a low dose of morphine) and as a result, my doctor friend convinced me to discuss the issue when I was more coherent.

I had planned on returning to work following a recovery. EF assured me that this was not a problem. I was asked to come to the school one month after my recovery to discuss work options. When I returned to the school ready for work I was informed by the DoS that my contract was being terminated for too many absences. I understand that this is within contract boundaries so I swallowed my pride and decided that for my partners sake (Janet Doe, who was also teaching full-time for EF Urumqi) I would recover in Urumqi while she finished her contract. I also paid out of pocket for all medical costs and when the insurance reimbursement came in from Erika insurance EF intercepted the funds and held them in their bank account. I nearly had to hire a lawyer to help retrieve my funds. Under this threat, EF gave me my reimbursement.

It is now the end of a full year contract, Janet and I have not been given the full amount of return plane tickets, and we have not received any bonuses despite contract stipulation. EF Urumqi has stated that we do not deserve to be given any bonuses. Janet will not receive hers because she missed one class and I will not receive mine because of my medical issue. This is despite the fact that we were given stellar reviews during peer and student assessment.

I should also add that during my one year of service with EF more than 75 percent of the teachers I worked with suffered major injuries, some of them life threatening. In all of the cases EF Urumqi offered minimal medical assistance or help with visa extensions or return to home country for medical care. EF Urumqi has all but stopped the bonus program that they use for recruiting and continued excellence in teaching. Even the most adept teachers have only received 1000 of the 6000 yuan promised at the beginning of the year for contract completion. Others have received absolutely nothing. I have seen many teachers suffer at the mercy of the shameless EF local management.

EF begins its contracts with teachers on good faith. It is therefore EFs responsibility to take care of its foreign teachers when problems arise. My year in Urumqi has shown me that this is not the case. The examples of foreign teacher mistreatment listed above are only the most severe cases of what I have observed over the past year. There have been many other incidents that have negatively influenced the reputation of your school and over time Im sure you will find letters on the internet that discourage teachers from working at Urumqi EF. I write this letter not to criticize all EF schools but only to bring to your attention the misconduct of one school in Urumqi. I hope for the sake of EFs integrity and its reputation as one of the best private language schools in China you will look into the matter and take steps to improve conditions for foreign teachers at EF Urumqi Youhao.


A former EF Urumqi teacher

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