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#1 Parent hyun - 2008-02-07
Re: Yangon - IECM job posting

I also taught there for a year....as the OP says, the Burmese people are delightful, but the school is run by a corrupt director who puts on a facade that she is sweet and kind...but in reality/underneath the facade, she is a tightwad who barely pays enough money to the Burmese teachers to live on, also works them to death as well as the staff and drivers, and breaks teachers' contracts by not honoring specifics, especially salary and health care.
She acts like a spoiled princess when she can't get things her way. When I pointed to certain items in my contract that were being ignored, instead of negotiating or making things workable, she became defensive and from then on labeled me as a troublemaker. At the end of the year in June, after working earnestly the school year, she did not keep to the contract with regard to salary, and paid me and another teacher only for a few days in June, rather than the month as stated in the contract. To top it all off, after I left school on the last day, I returned the following day to make sure the classroom was cleaned out and also to send an email. She had given orders at the locked gate to the guards not to let me in...and slandered me to everyone that I might damage the files on computers !! ha ha....as if I was already a convicted thief. I had done nothing to indicate any of this, and I had worked diligently in the heat all year. In appreciation for that diligence, I was locked out! Luckily, I had removed all my personal things the day before. She lied to everyone about basic questions, statements in the contract, and anything one tried to communicate. She would twist it around and miss the point in return emails to everyone. She slandered one by putting out false statements about one.

It is too bad, because the school had great potential...but it has a corrupt director!

lynda - 2008-02-04
Yangon job posting

Dont even think about working at IECM in Yangon Myanmar. The students are delightful and Myanmar teachers helpful and supportive. The same cannot be said about the owner of the school! Before venturing to Myanmar make sure she tells you how it really is once you are there. Daily power cuts which are hard to endure in temperatures which reach 42 deg, up to 8 or 10hrs!! You will be provided with an inverter which can provide enough light and a small fan if you are lucky, high powered internet when the power is on of course and if you feel like sharing your apartment with cockroaches and rats and showering in cold water go ahead apply for the position, but beware the owner doesnt like being challenged!!! if you are brave enough to do so she will ensure you dont get a visa renewal! (you need to leave the country every 10 weeks).

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