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#1 Parent JNET - 2008-02-07
Re: L and F Visas

Lovey, I never claimed that the piece I posted was my original composition. Yes of course we do have tons of declamation,oration books
in the Philippines for that matter. Thing is: they are back home in the Philippines,we are in China. Point there is: at least I have done a little help. What/how about you, any useful idea to share instead of getting mad at people who posted their opinions?
OH,I don't have a copy of that...it's just here in my medulla oblongata.

And dearie, it's not a good attitude calling names people you don't know.
Careful,they might give you a dose of your own medicine.

#2 Parent JNET - 2008-02-05
Re: L and F Visas

Hmmmmmmm.......a post by Ailana, agreeing on the post made by the other Ailana, are you super identical twins that even your names are the same?

Next time, maybe double check everything before posting so as not to create "doubts" from others.

Ha ha, I agree with myself, is that it, dearie? :ush

#3 Parent ailana - 2008-02-05
Re: L and F Visas


There is no such... me no native english.
check this out... no such, my english is cheap.

Sorry sir, but I guess.. you never knew grammar. Or lets say you are
a trying hard idiot. Well JNET declamations are copied or photocopied from the books.. you can buy that in all the bookstores in the Philippines

And If you are going to learn your english from that JNET, Jesus! you are going to die. You are going to cause the war between IRAQ and America.


#4 Parent Metis - 2008-02-04
Re: L and F Visas

You a teacher?
Why you no understand simple english.

The JNET said she come China not for money, you the ask her why she here.
You the say Asians cheap. You the how much?

Sorry, me no native english speaker so my english very cheap but you very proud to post here with your wrong grammar. Me understand little also about spelling. Me read the posts here from last year, me found out the JNET is old timer here in the site, she has done some help on topics about grammar and declamation. You the say she don't understand she read.
Me no defend her, me do not know you people, me just trying to tell my opinion. If you the tell me shut up, me <:l

#5 Parent JNET - 2008-02-04
Re: L and F Visas

Who doesn't understand what?

You post
"because they know that these people doesn't care "of" the visa but they "going" just care for the pay"
****that was the very line I answered in my post to you.

"I am defending Philipinos"****we don't need someone like you to defend us,FILIPINOS. We can face any difficulties that comes along our way. If we do need some advice/advise, surely we won't run to the likes of you, we'd rather ask one of the many sensible posters here like Yingwen Laoshi for example, one who is URBANE,full of witty conversation.
"I don't mean to argue. I am not making sermons and that wasn't for you. So please shut up"****Wasn't for me? You generalize us, ASIANS,meaning the entire asian populace, the WHOLE of Asia. Each and every individual in Asia. You didn't say some,few,others, you simply said "ASIANS".
Oh,oh,oh, you ordered me to shut up, why :?

"I never meant you are illegal but if you are hurt maybe you are. I am telling the point why they opted to hire Asians rather than blue eyes and blonde hair people...why? because Asians are cheap and can be cheated".
****Me, illegal? humor me, lovey. You really don't know who I am. Anyway, think anything you want about me,please feel very free to do so.
There you go again with your JIBES at Asians, tsk,tsk,tsk.....
I hope this will not earn you the enmity of other Asians.

"The very reason, english is ONLY for native speakers....because asians always gives the meaning than what is really meant to mean".
****Sure you are joking here <:l
English is a LANGUAGE,dearie. Nobody owns it, plain and simple.

OHHH....maybe i should take your advice/advise to shut up because it's really not worth the effort and time dealing with someone like you.
Okay, i better spiff myself up and join my friends for a nosh-up at the newly opened restaurant in town.


#6 Parent ailana - 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas

Dearie JNET

Well, read again dear if I criticize any asians or blacks.
If you feel that then.. I can say, you dont understand what you are reading.

I am defending the Philipinos from the recruiters who says this place
is just 3 hours from beijing.

Sorry, I dont mean to offend you or anybody else. I am trying to make
a tip for the new comers . Maybe you are rich back in the Philippines.
But China isnt the best way to earn. And if you think Rizal Park is
better looking than China... why are you here?

I dont mean to argue. I am not making any sermons and that wasnt for you
so please shut up.

#7 Parent ailana - 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas


I never meant you are illegal but if you are hurt maybe you are. I am telling the point why they opted to hire asians rather than blue eyes and blonde hair people... why? becuase asians are cheap and can be cheated.

I am giving the new comers the donts for them not to be in trouble. If you are in china living legally so, why are you so mad about this? This isnt address to you.. did I say.. Dear JNET?

The very reason, english is only for the native speakers .. because Asians always gives the meaning than what is really meant to mean.

Have a nice day JNET... dont waste your time arguing here. sleep tight.

#8 Parent Ailana - 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas

Yes, I agree with all you said.

Conclusion No.1 from this post:
Never go to China without a Z visa you can obtain prior to departure from the Chinese Embassy in your country. Any school or recruiter telling you any other thing most likely is a crook and IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!
The only legal visa for you to work in China is a Z visa.

Conclusion No. 2 from this post:
Basically, all foreign teachers - whether "blue-eyed" and with "white" skin or not - are all in the same boat as far as working and living conditions in China are concerned. There is no reason to look down on foreign teachers from Asian countries, e.g. Philippines or similar.

Conclusion No.3 from this post:
As a decent and qualfied teacher, you should love your students and feel responsible towards them. But be very critical and careful as far as your employer is concerned and watch them carefully - you have no obligations towards them whatsoever if they trick you in or do not honor the contract. Speak up or leave if something is really wrong and cannot be settled with them. In such case, tell your students why you are leaving. Hopefully, they will also leave the crap school and stop the employer to make money on other people's back!

#9 Parent JNET - 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas


Are you aware of what you have posted here?

Let me tell you this:
You are one poster who is offensive and degrades people.
Do you know each and every Asian?
How dare you to generalize that we don't care about our working visa and that we just go for the pay. We are not IGNORANT not to know the circumstances of working illegally. We know the labour laws of China.
There maybe some who are into working here illegally but not ALL.
We don't need your lecture about the do's and don'ts of working with an L or F visa if it's more of an insult than a warning.

What if I tell you that I did not come to China for monetary reasons? or I come to China not for monetary reasons.That back home (in my very beautiful country, The Philippines), I am paid higher than what I am receiving here, but I quit and flew to China.

Even if for others, the main reason of coming to China is to earn money for a living, it is not proper for you to say that they don't care about their visa, of course they do.

You made one terrible blunder here, dearie.

ailana - 2008-02-03
L and F Visas

It can be seen here that since they cant get foreigners with blue eyes because of the fact that most recruiters in china are cheaters. Then, they gonna hire Asians from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.. etc.

Because they know that these people doesnt care of the Visa but they going
just care for the pay.

Dont forget that there is a law in china that you cant work with L visa . If they catch you for whatever reason they are going to deport you. and
if not, when the visa expires your earned money wont be enough to process
another L or F visa becuase these chinese cheaters will again said we need 12,000 to 20,000 to process one for you. so, why will you give them a chance? IF they want to hire people to teach .. THEN REQUIRE THEM TO PROCESS THE LEGAL WAY.. REMEMBER, ITS FOR YOUR SAFETY.

AND Liaoning is not 3 HOURS AWAY FROM BEIJING. its 8- 10 hours from Beijing. Before you go and say yes, check it out first. and if they write 10,000 yuan salary... go and see.. they going to give you 3000 yuan. It hurts to see fellow to be always a victim.

All that these Asian people and black people doing is to survive. They have a family to feed back home. children to bring up to. So, Please treat each people with respect.

Educators wherever country they come from will try to love chinese children if you always treat them nicely. Each people need a place like home even they are away from their own family

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