Return to Index › Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?
#1 Parent callmefred - 2008-02-07
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?

Turnip. You need to be reminded once again that YOU were the one that used the word "waiste" instead of waste.

The more that you propagate your untruths, the more contempt that you will be held in, if that is possible given the nonsense that you have been disseminating on this board for a long time.

Your pathetic attempts to discredit others and constant psychotic rants against anything and everything Chinese is purely a mask to cover your own shortcomings.

If all you can find to fault my use of the English language is one mis-placed apostrophe, keep searching, I am not immune to mistakes, unlike the fount of all knowledge that you profess to be, rather than the waste of space that that we know you are.

In case you are wondering:
propagate = to spread opinions, lies or religions among a lot of people:

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