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#1 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2008-02-13
Re: reporting msconduct, falsifying resume

If a teacher is having a sexual relationship with a child or molesting a child in any way yes tell everybody. Tell the whole world! If you have strong evidence that a teacher has raped a student, again, tell everybody. There's no question about it: these people need stopping. Even If a male teacher has started a relationship with an adult female student, but hes using her as a punch-bag by beating the hell out of her every day, tell everybody.

If however a teacher is involved in a relationship with a college student or adult and both sides are willing participants and there is no abuse of the student why should you want to get involved? What goes on between two consenting adults should not be the concern of a fellow worker. If the teacher involved in the relationship is your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband then of course I can see why you would want to get involved and put an end to it. Otherwise, why should you be concerned?

When it comes to FTs, 999 times out of a 1000 you wouldn't have to report such an occurrence anyway. Generally the private life of the average FT in China is quite well monitored (almost oppressively so in some cases). Coupled with that, FT involvement with a student of even college age is generally very much frowned upon in Chinese schools. Two FT colleagues of mine, in two different colleges ended up under a lot of stress because they each took a student as their girlfriend. One colleague ended up quitting because of all the flak, while the second one who was a very able and diligent teacher didn't have his contract renewed (he was told it was because of his involvement with the student, although they were very discreet).

On both occasions, Chinese senior members of staff chastised the girl student involved and told the student that foreigners were immoral and that they should not get involved with them. On the other hand relationships between Chinese teachers and students, although not actively encouraged are far more tolerated. Get drunk every night if you want to. Miss many classes. Argue the toss every day with management about petty issues if you want to, but woe betide the male FT who gets involved with a female college student. NOTHING brings Chinese xenophobia more to the fore than that phenomenon. So, if anybody out there feels that they need to tell on an FT, don't bother. Don't waste your time, because you can be almost certain that the tracking devices are in full swing and that the school knows anyway.

I got flak at my first school, a college in the North, for having girlfriends from OUTSIDE of the school, so I know what heat you can get from schools on this issue. Another point to consider is that on occasions of FT/student relationships, the initial advances are just as often made by the student than by the teacher. I've personally witnessed this. Should such students be reported to the authorities, as well?

When it comes to student/teacher relationships I don't think it's anybodys business, except perhaps that of the school leaders. The same goes for resumes. Did YOU sign the contracts of your colleagues, promising to take responsibility if they mess up? If not don't get involved. If a teacher is doing his job diligently and conscientiously why should you be concerned about what he put on his resume (I'm not saying that it's ok to put untruths on your resume. It IS wrong)? If an FT is drunk all the time and physically abusing his students by all means report him, whether his resume is true or not. It's up to the FAO in your school to assess the credentials of teachers, not their colleagues. If Chinese schools are concerned enough about false resumes THEY will act on them. That's their job. Generally they're not that concerned with resumes anyway. Their main concern is that the students are happy and satisfied with their teachers. Your job is to teach, unless you're in a management position.

#2 Parent Larrie - 2008-02-10
Re: reporting msconduct, falsifying resume

It wasn't that my resume wasn't outstanding it's that they couldn't
follow up on my refs. becuase non of the people I worked with were still there. Anyway much love to you for trying and caring God bless!!!!!

#3 Parent Trygia B. - 2008-02-09
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#4 Parent Larrie - 2008-02-09
Re: reporting msconduct, falsifying resume

I find it amazing that anyone cares. I was just shot down for turning perfectly legitamate resumes. They said it was because no one remebered m. Well if are acquiamted withe turnover rate at these schools it's no wonder. FALSE RESUMES THE WHOLE BLOODY SYSTEMS FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#5 Parent Trygia B. - 2008-02-08
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#6 Parent hello - 2008-02-08

When did you start playing Vigilante? Most vigilantes are people pitying themselves, get up and enjoy life. Go out and destress.

#7 Parent rt - 2008-02-08
Re: reporting msconduct, falsifying resume

go to the school directors and if they don't care what should you care. happy new year

Trygia B. - 2008-02-08
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