Return to Index › Modern Modern American Language Institute in Yemen
#1 Parent Phil - 2010-06-21
Re Modern Modern American Language Institute in Yemen

I know this institute well.

If you want to work in Yemen, you have options--but MALI is not one of them. Try Amideast, YCMES, the British Coucncil. MALI is a pseudo-institute run by con artists that thrive on ripping off students and short changing teachers.

If you work for MALI, you will work for paranoid and unqualified management, and they will ruin what could otherwise be a good experience.

So, IMO, go to Yemen, but work for an employer that takes ESL seriously.

#2 Parent Abu - 2009-10-14
Re: Modern Modern American Language Institute in Yemen

MALI is an avoid-at-all-cost kind of place. If you want to teach in Yemen, consider YALI, Amideast, or the British Council.

Many foreign workers have had problems working at MALI, either by being ripped off, cheated out of contractual obligations, or having their visas canceled and being kicked out of the country.

Further, this is not a place that has any kind of academic integrity whatsoever. Students that do not deserve to pass are often passed due to their connections to the admin, and students that deserve to pass can be failed in order for them to retake a course and fork over another session of fees.

In short, go to Yemen but stay away from the Modern American Language Institute.

Terry - 2008-02-11
Modern Modern American Language Institute in Yemen

I've been offered a position in Sana, Yemen as an administrator of a school and would like to know more about living and working in Yemen. Has anyone heard of the Modern American Language Institute? The position pays about $500,000 Yemeni rial a month, plus housing, car/driver and more...

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