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#1 Parent viva - 2008-02-13
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?

to bartonfink:

.."i wish they could do it with better grammar"
hahaha ... i think they are not obliged to grant any wish of yours!!!

"..they drive me to nuts..
hahaha...if they have driven you nuts then it's your problem not theirs.

the problem with you is that you have taken upon yourself to be vigilant to all these grammatical errors of others and then you compalin.

i also checked your postings and i found some imperfections and flaws in your structures...but did you hear hear anybody correct you before you did all these error treatments yourself?? Okey...check these yourself and annopunce to the whole world how stupid you are for making these mistakes just what you have done to these other forumers. You are DISGUSTING!!!!

#2 Parent bartonfink - 2008-01-28
Re: Can non native speakers teach English better than Chinese English teachers?

Yeah. It's true he has the right to make his statements. I just wish he could do it with better grammar.

It just absolutely drives me nuts when someone says something like, "Filipinos may not have the British accent but they are capable to teach." Or, "...many countries in the world love Filipinos because aside from we are excellent in English...". It just kills their whole argument and the worst part is, they don't even realize it.

Thankfully there have been other Filipino posters who have proven that not all Filipino ESL teachers are like the two I quoted above.

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