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#1 Parent Ed - 2008-02-24
Re: Can a teacher have crush on a student?

Solution: Maintain a professional teacher-student relationship until the course is over. Then, if mutual interest still exists, you can shift to a dating relationship. But don't be that student's teacher again! It's probably a good idea that one of you change schools.

#2 Parent Iain - 2008-01-31
Re: Can a teacher have crush on a student?

Of course they can and it is not a moral issue at all.
We cant help our feelings.
However a teachers behaviour is a moral issue and anyone in
a position of power has a moral obligation not to take advantage of
their position.
Seems that some posters are confusing two distinct issues.

#3 Parent Craig - 2008-01-29
Re: Can a teacher have crush on a student?

I don't believe it's wrong to have feeling for a student, it's not really within your control. That is unless you want to be a cold person and totally shut down your feelings. I do agree that ACTING on those feelings when you are in the position of a teacher is wrong. Someone can control how they act, but not how they feel.


Anonymous - 2008-01-24
Can a teacher have crush on a student?

Yes, it's possible. I used to be in a relationship with a guy who was an ESL teacher at one of the schools in my city and he taught Koreans and Japanese (mostly girls too). At one point last year, he admitted to liking 3 girls in separate times, although he said he didn't do anything. Although the last girl, he seriously liked enough to have a special pet name and to even consider pursuing her. He was young, 22 yrs old, with the girl just a few years older than him. Personally, even having those feelings in the first place is so wrong and unethical. As a teacher, one should draw a line between your personal and professional life. Sure, it's good to make the students like you, to become friends with them, but only at a professional level.

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