Return to Index › Requirements?
#1 Parent Sharon - 2008-03-23
Re: Requirements?

YOu can go to school in your country, then once you have your teaching license, apply to international schools. And surprisingly, you don't have to know the language of the host cuntry, you'll be teaching in English. It will help you outisde of the classroom, but in school, you'll speak English.

Cassie - 2008-03-21

I am a senior student and i'm interested in a career as an esl teacher (perhaps overseas) anyway I was wondering what the requirements are to become an esl teacher.
If I wanted to teach i high schools in places like Japan and France would I need to go to Univerisity in that country or could I do it here in Australia and then go overseas.
Obviously I would need to know the language but other than that, what other degrees would I need?

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