Return to Index › Foreign Teachers
#1 Parent Zappa - 2008-04-07
Re: Foreign Teachers

I'm not exactly sick of foreign teachers not planning their classes and just using classtime to chat; however, I am sick of foreign teachers who haven't mastered the fine art of dancing and singing. I think we foreign teachers owe it to ourselves, if not to our endearing, hospitable students, to provide the greatest value that a kuai can buy for a truly international experience--this means we should learn to dance and sing!

Chatting should be reserved for discussing Spinoza and Ginsberg at English Corner. If you want to talk about yourself, do it in bed with someone else.

You owe students the best that working in China can afford (other than being an international consultant for Black and Decker or any other foreign corporation), so put on that happy hat, come on get happy! Dance the night away!

It could be worse, they could put bars around you, and point and make fun of you....oops! Oh wait! They do that anyway; who needs the bars? We foreign teachers do, especially after a long day of dancing and singing.

#2 Parent EsL teacher - 2008-04-05
Re: Foreign Teachers

Hahahaha ! That's true ! The Chinese students are wonderful but the Chinese recruiters prefer Native chatters .

#3 Parent Mr. D. - 2008-04-05
Re: Foreign Teachers

Well maybe it is what their school wants.
I worked for one school in Korea that
only wanted me to show up and teach what
they gave me last minute to teach.

#4 Parent Gareth - 2008-04-05
Re: Foreign Teachers

Here here, I've seen plenty, and they actually brag that they dont need to prepare a class. I Dont mean to say bad things about the Chinese but they always talk about what foreigners like and dont like. They seem to forget that foreigners means the rest of the world. I dont want them to paint me with the same brush as these people.

#5 Parent JD - 2008-04-04
Re: Foreign Teachers

No I'm not excatly sik of them yet but I think they're students probly are and any way its probly not just the yung ones who I think shuld be forgiven any way cuz there probly just trying it on for size to see if it fitts. And becides that you shuld probly blame the peeple who doe's the hiring to. No what i meen?

Worthington - 2008-04-04
Foreign Teachers

Hi. Is anyone else getting sick of these foreign teachers who don't plan classes and just walk into a classroom and chat. The chat is usually them talking for most of the class, and giving students the wrong impression of western culture. Then most students continue to have the impression that we're all sex obsessed drug users. Then the teachers walk around with big heads thinking that they're the bee's knees because students laugh at thier lame jokes. Then they think everyone thinks their brilliant. Then they come to the bar and are oblivious to what tools they are because of all the hot air blown into them by students who are so bored that they'll listen and laugh at anything. Then these teachers tell you how they enlighten students and have opened thier minds. But really they're kind of nothing special at all, just pretentious twenty somethings with an audience. Is anyone else sick of that?

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