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#1 Parent Linger On - 2008-04-15
Re: Board Game for ESL/EFL

Are you just judging me because you lack imagination, and have to hide behind a text book? Anytime I use a game in class it's either a warm-up or specific to the vocabulary for that unit. Not all learners are the same and some need movement, visuals and so on so that the knowledge can sink in. I think the only reason you criticized me is so you don't have to think of these things yourself. Yes I am a cowboy teacher, I only work short contracts so I can travel, but I'm a damn good one too.

#2 Parent Worthington - 2008-04-14
Re: Board Game for ESL/EFL

Sounds like someone should spend more time actually learning grammar and such rather than giving thier students games to play. Really it's you cowboy teachers that make my job harder and harder each and every day. Get a haircut and get a real job!!

#3 Parent Linger On - 2008-04-12
Re: Board Game for ESL/EFL

There's a baord game I know you can buy in Thailand called Word Up. Students roll the dice and go around a baord a little like Trivial Pursuit, and depending on what colour they land on have a different question about English. Blue is for multiple choice questions, yellow is for spelling, orange is for crossword clues, and green is for missing word in a sentence. If players get the question right they win a token of that category's colour. There's a beginner level, and a more advanced one with about 90 question cards in each set. THe question cards are numbered and increasingly become more difficult. I've only seen it for sale in Thailand, however a Canadian teacher I worked with said they had the game in Canada. I'm sure you can buy it online, I'm sorry but I can't remember which company produces the game.

Other baord games good for an ESL class are twister (for body parts and colours), guess who? (for describing people), and scrabble (for spelling and vocabulary).
I've seen a few bingo games, such as homonyms bingo, prepositons bingo and alphabet bingo. If you put a Sunday afternoon aside you can make Bingo games yourself easily, especially if you have net access and a good colour printer. It sucks but they're a handy resource to have and will make your life easier in the future.

The trick to having these games is to not over use them, or else the kids will get bored of them faster than you can pick up all the game pieces that they've been throwing at each other. I always act like I don't want the kids to play them, that way they think you're doing them a favour ;)

Jazzy - 2008-04-11
Board Game for ESL/EFL

Hi everyone! Does anyone know of a board game designed for ESL/EFL?
Thought it might be fun.

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