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#1 Parent appetoni - 2008-04-30
Re: need help.

Hello Amy,

I can only tell you what I would do in your situation. I do not have an answer regarding your child. I would suggest that you look into Oxford seminars. They offer TEFL courses on college campuses around the US on a schedule. The classes take three weekends and cost around $900.If you have more time and money to invest in your training, I think CELTA is more widely recognized. I am sure others on the board can offer more feedback regarding this. Most of the TEFL schools, including Oxford, offer placement assistance. I think this is the safest way to look for a TEFL job and you will be certified which will put you in a better position for negotiating. Since you are going to Korea and there are lots of "bad" schools in Asia, take whatever precautions you can so you don't get taken advantage of. Good luck! Please let us know how it goes.


#2 Parent yan - 2008-03-17
Re: need help.

Post your resume everywhere. Best to you and your family.

Amy W. - 2008-03-16
need help.

My husband was just stationed in Korea for a year. I would like to join him, but the military would not provide compensation. I do have some education experience and a B.A. in History. I thought that teaching English in Korea would be a great chance for me, and it would help me join my husband. I am going to be bring my son who is 15 months old. So, I will need to arrange daycare as well.

What advice do you have regarding my situation. I really don't know where to start. I see that I have to send in resumes to websites, but what happens from there? How do I know if these companies are reputable?

I am waiting on my passport, do I need this to apply? Or, can I tell them that I am waiting for it.

Is it better for me to find something before I go, or should I wait until I get there. I thought since I was travelling with an infant that having someone pick me up at the airport and arrange living arrangements would be good.

Will they frown on a teacher that has a child with her?


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