Return to Index › Re: List of countries where English is an official language
#1 Parent Longdong - 2008-05-04
Re: List of countries where English is an official language

As many readers of 'foreign teachers in China forums' are aware, Roger is not a native speaker of English. I suspect that he continually endeavours to improve his command of English. I suspect that, in the process, he comes across words and phrases that take his fancy without realizing they are very low frequency, i.e. obscure, not known to many people.

Criticaster means a contemptible or vicious critic.

I am aware of two mistakes in my April 30 post; "The article provide ." lacks an s and "2 for the India" should not have the. Both errors resulted from lack of attention to detail.

#2 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-03
Re: List of countries where English is an official language

Who takes a criticaster seriously who cannot make three sentences in English without showing to his audience that he is an amateur at that language."

Harsh words from Roger! Please enlighten us on the meaning of "criticaster", Roger, and do take the time to cut and paste the mistakes in the last post of LongDong. I see only one!

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