Return to Index › China: Why do we need laowai teacher
#1 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

This is hilarious!

I love how Chinese students judge a teacher based on his/her appearance!


I'd say one benefit of having a foreign teacher/native speaker is hearing how a 'normal/average' speaker speaks a language.....slang, pronunciation, etc.

#2 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

"In my country LOOK is not important about person- but knowledge."


When I was growing up I was ALWAYS talk, "Don't judge a book by its cover" but in Zhong Guo it's the total opposite which I think is unfortunate.

#3 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

I agree with everything Pylin said here 100%

#4 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: we do need laowai teachers

I think part of the problem here is just a matter of supply and demand.

The demand for native speakers in China is HUGE but how many people with a Doctorate in English would be willing to work in China? Sure, there are some but not many....Sometimes, I think it's just a case of China being happy to get what they can and sometimes the only people applying for work at many schools are people with no College education or experience but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't be a good teacher.

I think that there should be some kind of minimum requirement like a bachelor's degree and/or TEFL but most 'qualified' teachers in western countries would rather remain in their country and teach students who actually want to learn and not just be entertained.

I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammar errors.

#5 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: we do need laowai teachers

I agree with eslguy 100%.

#6 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

Wow, all you need to do now is talk about how Chinese people are more polite than Westerners (especially Americans).

This is a pretty hostile bit of writing and not very accurate from my point of view.

"We learn English far quicker than you do, and we Chinese are far better at teaching it. Once we've mastered it, we make few if any mistakes."

This is so absurd that it boggles the mind! I'm guessing that this was written by a foreigner playing Devil's advocate....

#7 Parent yingyu laoshi - 2008-05-27
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

" HOW can we send our FAT UGLY teacher back to america" . You are right - americans are ' fat and ugly'.

And most of them - not only americans (canadians, british, australians and others)come to China for entertainment. They spend their time going here and there, travelling and dating young girls just like YOU( and if u were a decent girl - who were focused only on studies they would probably behave a little bit differently.)I remember my country.. I used to work in college , we had one american lady( older woman ,not very attractive) - I remember my students just loved her. In my country LOOK is not important about person- but knowledge. I do not know how good she was at teaching ( didn't observe her class) but students liked her - because she was bringing a real language -ENGLISH to the class. They needed and liked her teaching - because they wanted to learn something from her that they can not learn from us. Though they were very demanding too.
Unfortunately, in China the situation is different.

You americans praise more Chinese and Asians. mmmmm what is his name Dou .. can't recall his name. He writes " why american women don't like asian women or something" Actually, I was looking for some teaching materials for my class and came across with that article. I think that guy has problems - he is obsessed with asian girls - I agree with chinese teachers here - they say you are paid high but doing nothing,just having fun in china. Exactly - otherwise that Dou would write something useful (someteaching tips or problems in teaching) so he is involved in these sexual activities with asians even wrote several articles about asian dating and how many girls he dated and how they are loveable - which is ridiculous.It again proves he is not teaching in China or wherever in Asia, he is playing ... or whatever.

( Just wait china will stop learning English and you all will need to learn CHINESE. China will be the most powerful country in the world soon. Just wait - and people like Dou will not need to go online dates. He will see gorgeous girls with chinky eyes just around him.)

I do not care about it but he could post his article in a different place. This is a teacher's forum. So this proves that you are here for datings, pleasure and entertainment , fun. Noone says do not have fun. But you could combine work and pleasure....

China is not the country which was 10 - 15 years back.Now they do not worship YOU.They do not smile to your face if you do not do a really good job. Almost all speak English (whether bad or good - they do communicate in english and can express their thoughts which is necessary in communication).

So they need more and more....just like in Japan and Korea. It is not very easy to be an English teacher there. They need quality now. You can be beautiful - young, attractive teacher with blue eyes and blonde hair .. but u also need to make your classes interesting and effective.
That's what they want from you.

And you,young lady do not worry ,your people are getting fat too.

Look - 3.6% of Shanghai kids are obese. You try to learn something from your "FAT and UGLY" american teacher. Believe me - you will never regret about it in future.

#8 Parent Li Bai - 2008-05-12
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

Thank you for conceding that some foreign teachers are good. I hope you agree that some Chinese schools are not the best places to work either. In almost every culture, money talks and bullshit walks. Tell your school to stop paying such outrageous salaries to poor foreign teachers and more realistic salaries to some of the excellent Chinese teachers. The situation may quickly change. Looks, physical attributes or nationality make little difference - focus on ability.

A quick fix to this situation? (and I don't believe I'm doing this) but a few complaints of sexual harassment should do the trick. Unethical, but effective.

Another suggestion - read the label before you buy. Usually if it says 'Made in Canada' it is of good quality. Not always, but usually.

Good luck

Li Bai

#9 Parent eslguy - 2008-05-11
Re: we do need laowai teachers

It seems that in the orient, edutainment takes priority over education.

As always, schools there are looking for the quick and easy way to learn English. But, anyone with common sense (usually a Western sense) knows that there aren't any gimmicks that truly work.

It takes time, patience and PRACTICE.

Now, I am not saying that one should not posses a certain amount of motivation. Some of that should be instilled by the teacher. However, being entertianed while judging ones teaching ability based on looks is something all too common in the orient.

Patience, work, effot, practice...............those are the keys to learning any foreign language.

Until the orient decides to wake up to this......they will always be left behind.


#10 Parent jim - 2008-05-11
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

Dear Student,

So, you wish to be entertained in your classes rather than learn? I do not know Terrence, but he has probably come to your country to try to offer you a skill which you lack: English speaking. Your writing is acceptable for a high-school student. Nice job! It sounds like you are happier with a handsome singing teacher rather than a teacher who wants you to actually do some work. Try to work out some compromise with Terrance. And why do you pick on his weight? You may someday grow up to be a Chinese cow. >\-|

#11 Parent Jane Martina - 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

What a load of racist tripe.

The notion that most Chinese people are 'better' at English than westerners is quite, quite laughable.

I have only met a few Chinese people who can speak really top-notch English.

China NEEDS its foreign teachers. I've met Chinese English Teachers who were trained with no FTs and even though they can write passable English (still full of mistakes), they can't really hold a conversation.

And the OP seemed to be saying that, basically, she wanted a dancing monkey rather than a real teacher. That's the problem, not the solution.

#12 Parent Jane Martina - 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha

And what's your basis for the assumption that we have all 'failed'? Zero, that's what.

#13 Parent Pylin - 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

I understand a students frustration at having to deal with a variety of teaching styles. Everyone is different and this is often because the schools don't have a real plan on what they want us to teach the students. Being a 'native speaker' alone shouldn't qualify us as an English teacher. Most successful ESL teachers know this and respect others who share their qualifications (Masters degrees, TEFL/TEOFL degrees, Education B.A.'s, etc). However, many schools seek American, English, Australian, Canadian, etc. teachers because language is connected to our culture. We use idioms, slang, poetic devices, cultural references and the like on a consistant basis when we communicate fluently. If you are only seeking written English or grammar then by all means, any nationality would be fine at teaching you this. But for pronunciation, phonics, IELTS, etc. a native speaker is best. The fact that you are confusing 'fat' and 'ugly' with qualifications and ability is disturbing. When you learn English from a foreigner it is important to also understand our expectations. I too do not let my students talk a lot in class, or use their phones. All non-English work is put away. And sometimes my students don't want to do what I have planned. If you are learning to be an English teacher then you should know these things by now and have some respect for someone in your future profession.

#14 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-10
Re: Nice One, Wang Honglau!

Yes, indeedy. A nice touch or irony to fan the flames......and it has!!

#15 Parent riddlemethis - 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." --Henry Kissinger

While I would agree with you that many Western speakers of English are guilty of slowly eroding its elegance - one need look no further than these forums to find the "truth" of that - I would argue that your perception is not far seeing and therefore limited. There will always be those, perhaps a minority ( I have no data to suggest otherwise), whose interest in and excellent use of the language will negate the truth of your all encompassing statement.

"Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set." --Rev. Denny Brake

I'm not sure how one could come to such a "truth." Again, perception seems to enter into that awareness, but facts, if they could be found, would no doubt refute it. Let's not forget that it was once perceived that African Americans were dull and ignorant; George Washington Carver died young as the result of not being taken to the nearest hospital when needing immediate attention after a car accident. A victim of a perception that Blacks of that time were undeserving of the same attention as Whites.

"When in doubt, tell the truth." --Mark Twain

Exactly which Americans are you referring to that you differentiate from Europeans or other Westerners? Are you suggesting, for example, that Asian Americans are not actually Americans? "Especially Americans," you say. Do you mean Americans that come to China? I'm an American in China - 154 pounds, 5' 11" - is that fat? I may be homely in your eyes; beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder, but again we're talking about perception. The last data I came across regarding obesity in the West was that Europeans and Americans pretty much matched up at around 63 percent falling into the category of overweight, and I've seen quite a few fat Brits waddling around this campus. Mr. Twain had it right.

"When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken, or cease to be honest." --Unknown

"To be ignorant of ones ignorance is the malady of the ignorant." Bronson Alcott

"There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance."-- Goethe

Granted, some Westerners arrogantly believe in their superiority in all things. However, shouldn't we be talking about communicability? As a Phonetics teacher, a great deal of my work consists of correcting habitually incorrect English. Where were those habits formed? In English classes taught by Chinese teachers. But I often tell my students that, while these habits are not their fault - having picked them up from their past teachers - said habits are not the fault of their past Chinese teachers either; they simply were not taught correctly by their teachers and so on. In other words the "blame game" has no constructive purpose. None of this, though, would really matter if their speech was intelligible; but, unfortunately it generally is not until they have learned the intricacies of stress, intonation and the rhythm of the language coupled with correct pronunciation. In the future, when enough Chinese have learned these things it will reduce the need to hire Western teachers. I look forward to that time perhaps as much as you do.

"The thought that provokes thought is much more valuable than the thought that is only an echo of an accepted truth." - Thomas W. Hanford

Perhaps China is a paradise that attracts Western fools. I've seen plenty of them. I've also seen many who are not fools. So, although, your statement regarding Western fools is a rather sweeping generality, along with all your other so called "truths," I do applaud your need to provoke thought. I'm not sure why you would choose to do so under the guise of a Chinese student or teacher though - it seems a bit disingenuous.

#16 Parent Al - 2008-05-09
we do need laowai teachers

Ladies & Gentlemen: (Laowai or not),

While you were so mad about each other's opinion, I do think that we do need a qualified and better be a certified Laowai. Without one of such, you might have to depend on your own wisdom and initiativeness. Unfortunately, some of our Chinese administrators are not all knowledgeable enough in picking the Laowais, and most of the time they eventually took some 'Natives' who were unable to teach. For example, we are Chinese, but are we all good enough in teaching Chinese? I have met quite a few capable Laowais, but there were some others who were arrogant and incapable to get their job done well. We do welcome any Laowai to help us improving our language skills, ut the recruiters be aware, not to dump any johnnies who even couldn't write well.

At the same time, Lili, watch your articles. Where were they?
NOte. My computer does not supply the AT sign in the email address.

#17 Parent Yinwen Laoshi - 2008-05-09
Nice One, Wang Honglau!

Am I missing something here?

Take it easy, fellow FTs. Isn't it obvious that Wang Honglau is really a foreign teacher satirising a negative mindset that is exhibited by quite a lot of students of English in China? He's being ironic! I don't even think he's trolling. He's actually supporting FTs who often have to cope with that mindset when teaching English in China. To be honest, I think the original post was also tongue-in-cheek. There's nothing to argue about here.

Good post Wang Honglau!

#18 Parent Wang Honglau - 2008-05-09
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher/Wang Hanglou

Real mature. Even an animal as low on the evolutionary scale as a macaw can repeat words. I see you are about as advanced.

Go nose around in the garbage, you swine.

#19 Parent Wang Honglau - 2008-05-09
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

You have just provided me with all the evidence I need to back up my previous post. You and the other turtle spawn on this site. I'd suggest you ask the teachers who instructed you in English for a refund, but given where they come from, and who they were instructed by, I doubt they would be able to deal in numbers beyond what they can count on their hands.

Nice try, and I'm sure you smell like a vulture's crotch.

#20 Parent Wang Honglau - 2008-05-09
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

If we descended from "Peking Man", than you must be its evolutionary contemporary. No, I take that back. Given the coat of fur that even Western women have sprouting all over them, I'd say you are still a million or so years behind in terms of development. Oh, and just so you don't think we're all mean-spirited, we wish you the best of luck in getting used to your new opposable thumbs.

#21 Parent handsomearticulateslimenergeticintelligentamerican - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher/Wang Hanglou

Not worthy of a response; however, I would like to hear an ape bark. And I'd love to hear you speak - English or Chinese, in a manner that does not sound as if you're speaking gibberish with a mouthful of peanuts.

Be a little more objective bendan.

#22 Parent riddlemethis - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha

Well, fun fun, "Lili's" post reflects nothing of the kind in that she/he has pulled the wool over your eyes; therefore, you have no case to rest. If you're so burnt out on the "behaviour and rudeness of Chinese students," just let me know and I'll happily provide you with a schedule of flights back to your home country. I'll even bring along some of my well mannered students to bid you a fond farewell, while I, an ill mannered Westerner, mutter, "Good riddance to bad rubbish."

#23 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

Wang hong lau:

I deduce that you are a teacher and I' sorry to say these. I have always wondered why Chinese students have distorted values, impolite, disrespectful and have bad learning attitudes. Now, it's clear to me that they've taken it all from the equally stupid, disrespectful and lunatic Chinese teachers of your kind.

I was not wrong then to say that student's misbehaviour in class (not only in their English classes) was due to the tolerance and encouragement from teachers like you.

Respectfulness is a virtue which should be cultivated in each person whatever origin he comes from, whatever status in life he has, dumb or intelligent, ugly or beautiful, fluent in English or not...this is what I kept on pointing out in all my posts. So sad to note, that you as a teacher condones misbehaviour to the extent of justifying it yourself. Shame on you!!! You should not be a teacher...you are comparable to a beast in the jungle...oh, it's where Chinese evolved from, right? You eveolved from your "Peking Man"...I don't even want to compare you to him for I'm not sure if he had the same character as you and your students have..i'm afraid he must have had better morals.

You'd better sit down with your students in a Character Education class. But again...who's gonna be your teacher? a Chinese? Forget it.

Oh, and you are enraged with the higher pay Foreign teachers get... well.. if you think you can do better.. why on earth do you invite others to come and teach you? And you find find them barking like apes??? Why don't you sit down and listen how Chinese people shout to each other like barbarians...you can't even recognize whether they are just speaking or rather fighting. You're such a stupid idiot. A typical Chinese who have just learned a little of English and presumes he's now better than his teacher...remember the fly on top of a cow(?)? You're just that FLY.


#24 Parent Mike - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

don't tell me i've been sucked in again! just wait a mo, i've got to get this hook out of my mouth!

#25 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

Yeah, you're right..."THE TRUTH HURTS" ...you and your Chinese students should be the FIRTS to remeber that.

In everything you've said there lies the HIDDEN TRUTHS that YOU must accept..find these out yourself.

Now if you don't know how...just change all the words "American" to the word "Chinese".. then you'll understand what I mean.

Good luck.

#26 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

Mike, Hongerwai is not of course joking, he's real serious!!!

Remeber the sayings "little knowledge is dangerous"? hahahahah

#27 Parent Wang Honglau - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

I don't see why so many people are getting mad about what is being said. The truth is the truth and should be accepted no matter how painful.

Truth 1 = Most Westerners (especially Americans) are stupid, ignorant and lazy. We learn English far quicker than you do, and we Chinese are far better at teaching it. Once we've mastered it, we make few if any mistakes. Compare that to the bungled, horrific English garbage westerners use.

Truth 2 = Chinese students are far more intelligent than western students or even teachers. The fact that western teachers are so inept and feeble-minded is why our students feel entitled to use MP3s and mobile phones in the classroom. Why should they humour an ignorant teacher when they are already more advanced then said westerner will ever be?

Truth 3 = Westerners (especially Americans) ARE FAT and homely. Why should Chinese students show respect to hideous foreigners?

Truth 4 = Westerners are arrogant. What makes you think that your version of English is superior? If we by choice opt to use "Chinglish" what right to you have to correct us? Compared to Chinese teachers, Americans are stupid fools whose speech is more similar to that of the barking of apes than people.

Truth 5 = Western teachers are paid more than they deserve, and act like fools. You are our guest and it is your privilege to "teach" here. We do not need to show you any respect. You can be replaced, and should be replaced by a Chinese teacher.

The truth hurts, get used to it.

#28 Parent Mike - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

You have got to be joking! Your spelling is atrocious, and your choice of vocabulary is elementary at best. Its a good thing that arrogant, conceited, obnoxious, narcissistic, pretentious, xenophobic, fools like you are a minority.


#29 Parent Michael - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

I'm very sorry you feel that way Lily. In addition to your ridiculous statement that you don't need native English speaking teachers you also resort to insults of a racist nature.

Let me address your first complaint. If your writing is anything to go by you need help with your English. You say your an English major? Well, if I was marking your essays you would still be studying English 101. I do understand, however, that you probably graduated with the help of your Chinese lecturer, if you get my drift.

Secondly, regarding your racist comments and outrageous ignorance, teachers are not employed for your entertainment, rather, they are employed to help you with your goals of attaining English as a second language. If you are happy with your 'Chinglish' and don't feel the need for a native speaking English teacher, then I suggest to you to save your money and look for Chinese teacher.

It would appear, in regard to your accusation that foreign teachers are 'stupid', that you fit very well a flawed psychological trait of projected insecurity.

Good luck to you Lily, and may all your vowels turn to consonants and leave you dumb!

#30 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

"I hate Americans, i think we can speak THE (?) english better than they can. We also have better grammar and word knowledge(?)"

really??? do you???? ..you think you can speak THE english better???hakhakhakhak and you have better grammar????

"They are paid more than the Chinese teachers"

now i understand the root of this issue...are a you student or an insecure chinese teacher?

Why do we need to RESPECT the americans when we chinese students are smarter THEN (?) they are....

my my my, i was just beginning to be convinced that Lili belongs to the minority of Chinese students who have distorted "VALUES", but here you are...YOU ARE DISGUSTING!!

Now, since you claim that you don't need to learn English any further.. then I think it's now time for you to enroll in "VALUES EDUCATION"...oh, do you have such in China? None I think, so be ready to import teachers expert on this. Sorry for you.

#31 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha

My postings were not to justify the incompetence of FTs, which you think they are.

I dwell more on the lack of "values" most Chinese students have.

If you would read the post of Lili again, it clearly reflects improper learning behaviour and rudeness of Chinese students, whether she belongs to the minority or majority.

Well of course, that is if she is really in fact a Chinese student, not an FT, as you have insinuated.

I rest my case.

#32 Parent j peasemold gruntfuttock - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

How very appropriate that this posting refers to most American teachers as "ugly fat and stupid".
Somehow this sums up for me the very nature of the beast, but not just confined to teachers.

#33 Parent HongErWai - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

I hate Americans, I think we can speak the English better than they can. Our grammar is better and we have better word knowledge. We are also better students. But they get paid more than Chinese teachers. We need to remove the foreigners and find more Chinesse to teach us. Why do we need to show respect for foreigners when we students are smarter then they are?

#34 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

where is the biggest market for make up and surgery? of course, china.every girl in china wantsto be beautiful, why?

...because the believe they descended from the "Peking Man" hahahahahahahahahahahaha

..i'm sorry, but if"love begets love and kindness begets kindness".. then "rudeness begets rudeness".

#35 Parent riddlemethis - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha

Thanks for the laugh 'Lili," and thanks for creating a thread that exposes the need for many of these posters to pounce upon any and all opportunities to justify their incompetence in the classroom as being the fault of the students and not themselves. In addition, thanks for the temporary reprise from the inanity of their anti Frank postings - postings which have become more and more based on opinion and vindictiveness and less and less on reality.

Wake up and smell the coffee dudes. If you think "Lili's" post was actually written by a Chinese student and not an FT whose ability to pull your collective legs is priceless, then you're even less observant and cognizant of reality than I had previously imagined. Yep, she/he GOTCHA!

But do sit up and take notice folks. There is a growing impatience that reflects the frustration of the student community at large in China at having to accept less than qualified Westerners as their instructors. But don't take it too personally; that frustration is not reserved only for the teachers. So, you can take some solace in the fact that they are also recognizing that the school leaders are complicit in this fiasco by blindly hiring any white face that happens by and placing their dumb asses in a classroom where hope and excitement quickly fade due to their having to accept so many dumb asses as their instructors.

Yes indeed, just like the fat ass American generals, you better start developing an exit strategy because sooner than you might think you will be expected to "get on outta Dodge." Gee, here's an idea: Go get some training and then try again elsewhere. Of course, though, some of us will miss you....Not!

Finally, if you do really think yourselves qualified to continue teaching in China, perhaps your time would be better spent if you complained less and researched more. There are many success stories in China in terms of second language acquisition. Try acquainting yourselves with some of them. Or, better yet, start by realizing that language is acquired not learned and see if that realization might guide you down a path where you suddenly realize that your failed attempts at "teaching" may have something to do with you and not the majority of your students. Yes, there will always be a minority in your classroom that shouldn't be there and/or don't want to be there in the first place, but that's not the real issue.

#36 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

You're right.

The post of this Lili is a clear proof of how impolite Chinese students could be. Imagine a young college student nurturing such trash ideas about a teacher, whether be a Chinese or Foreign. They simply, or she simply lacks respect.

It was said that in Chinese culture, to embarass or criticize a Chinese is mortal sin but should it be due to their lack of respect to others that this be reversed? They need to be embarassed and criticized more so as to become aware on how "ugly" people a are they..inside and out!!!

It sucks when even these young people as she is could dare make utterances such that. I think, the better course to be taught here in China is Values Education ... a country of ill values.

#37 Parent funfun - 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher


Your statement is the perfect embodiment of how "beautiful" people are. But Lili is not a little girl... a Chinese college student...she doesn't deserve kindness.

But you're right, she stirred this issue... so let's give her what she deserves.

These Chinese students should learn how to respect other people. Who do they think they are?

They are the most impolite and ugliest human race on earth!!! she should know that...of course, they know it...didn't they descend from that "Peking man"... a monkey!!!!!

#38 Parent funfun - 2008-05-07
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher


"some teacher are fun and some teacher are horrible"

you are right...and i think there are more horrible looking chinese teachers hak hak hak hak

"Chnese teachers are better"

...must be the reason why your english leaves nothing much to be deisred...you learned it from your Chinese teachers, of course!!!!

#39 Parent spider - 2008-05-07
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

i cant imagine this degree of rudeness, why will someone have the guts to insult his teacher and more to that americans.dont be angry or cry foul when others do criticize u as a chinese or say the same words to u, no body is forcing u to learn english, chinese is enough for u , so shut up and be polite. a question. where is the biggest market for make up and surgery?ofcourse china,every girl in china wants to be beautiful?why . u can answer this question...

#40 Parent Longdong - 2008-05-06
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher


After reading your post, I would like to recommend a book to you. It's called The Ugly Chinaman and the Crisis of Chinese Culture 醜陋的中國人 which was written by Henan native, Bo Yang 柏楊 (formerly known as Guo Libang 郭立邦).

The book is considered by many to be an authentic and accurate description of Chinese people and Chinese culture. Furthermore, the book does not attract claims of racism or prejudice against Chinese people because it was written by a Chinese-born (and raised) person.

Below is a brief excerpt of the book copied from a book sales website.

If you do take the time to acquire and read the book, I hope that you will reflect on your critique of American teachers.

Happy reading!

When Pei Zhuzhang became aware of the problems which exist within Chinese culture, he wondered whether there might be some basic defect in the moral fibre of the Chinese people. Before I made my first trip abroad, Sun Guanhan said to me, "When you come back, there's one thing I absolutely forbid you to say: 'Chinese people are the same everywhere!' " I readily gave him my promise. But when I returned and he asked me about my trip, I said, "You told me not to say it, but. Chinese people are the same everywhere!" He hoped that Chinese people would be able to change and grow over the course of time and couldn't imagine this not happening. Are there intrinsic flaws in the basic nature of the Chinese people? When God created us, did he actually intend to make us so ugly?

#41 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-06
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

You little stirrer, you! :)

Lili - 2008-05-06
China: Why do we need laowai teacher


Im learning to be a English teacher. I am a English major and think we don't need foreign teacher to teach us English. Some teacher are good and some teacher are horrible. I have a American teacher last term who was fun and handsome. He introduced us to games and sang for us. We liked him very much. Now I have a fat ugly American teacher who is boring. He make us to talk about boring things and makes us do boring speaking practice. He also makes us read terrible books which we hate. He gets mad when we talk to each other or message or do other work. But were bored. Why do we need horrible teachers like Terrance to teach us when Chinese teacher are better. I know some american teachers are good, but most are ugly fat and stupid. A Chinese teacher is smart and handsome. Not fat and ugly. Why should we let fat ugly teachers come to our school? How can we send away our fat ugly teacher terrence back to america?

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:01 AM]

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