Return to Index › Re: Why do we need laowai teacher
#1 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

I think China needs more laowai teachers so that AT LEAST they can be EXPOSED to a different culture and different way of thinking/teaching/learning.

China has been so secluded from the rest of the world for so long that, in my opinion, it's really beneficial for students here to have the opportunity to interact with people from other countries.

#2 Parent li bai - 2008-05-15
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher

It is interesting how you use selective editing to find something to focus on. Dumb ass employers and even some so-called 'teachers', not only in China, but EVERYWHERE, do the same thing. I'm talking about REALITY. As a Black person, I have had 'my share of abuse and sand kicked in my face - BUT I've come through' (Bob Seger).
When China realizes that race, sex, age, blond hair, blue eyes and all that other crap do not 'a good teacher' make, it might start to focus on abilities. I agree it will take many years for this to happen and it's something we can help make happen - if we are serious about teaching. By the way, the "so called teachers" comment was NOT directed at you. How could it be? I don't even know you. I still agree with the original poster that, in some cases, China DOES NOT NEED LAOWAI TEACHERS. (some of us anyway).

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