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#1 Parent Ian - 2004-08-17
Re: China is OK and Prospering!!

! Most of what you have said can be said about the US and some of Europe if you change the names slightly....

see below...

> Frankly if china wants to be even considered free they will have to
> stop the random arrests and torture of innocent people because they
> are deemed "against the government". This kind of thing
> reeks of the SS in Nazi Germany.
Just like the Americans arresting people under the terrorist act? Only about 2% of all arrested are finally convicted. They are arrested because they "might be " a threat to the government. Mmmm.

> The internet police and Gestopo have to go as well. That kind of
> thing is just plain evil. Also, stop bugging everyone's cell phones
> and text messenging systems.
Hahahaha! America has the most efficient and high tech monitoring system in the world. China just can't compete on this one! At least China admits it!

> Take full repsoncibility for Tieniman Square. You lost all of your
> credibility as a nation when you did that and if you don't attone for
> it you will always be a hostile nation to all of those who love
> freedom.
And what about all those so called 'prisoners of war' held in (can't remember name of prison camp) without any access to legal aid or other support in America?
What about all the torture in the camps in Iraq? At least China doesn't take pictures for the internet!

> Leave Taiwan and Hong Kong alone. What you are doing with them is no
> better than what Hitler did to Poland and Austria.
Take full responsibility for Iraq and the mess you made there. US lost all of it's credibility when it went in without UN approval under an obviously
false pretense of WMD. Where are all these weapons eh? They haven't found a single one.
Stop branding other countries 'Axis of Evil' and threatening to invade just because you don't like their style of govt.
At least HK is actually Chinese! If China had a go at America for the way it governs, say, Texas the US would soon be up in arms about it.

> Any questions...
Any answers?

#2 Parent Big C - 2004-08-17
Re: China is OK and Prospering!!

For someone who thinks we should keep our opinions to ourself why would you want any input?

Frankly if china wants to be even considered free they will have to stop the random arrests and torture of innocent people because they are deemed "against the government". This kind of thing reeks of the SS in Nazi Germany.

The internet police and Gestopo have to go as well. That kind of thing is just plain evil. Also, stop bugging everyone's cell phones and text messenging systems.

Take full repsoncibility for Tieniman Square. You lost all of your credibility as a nation when you did that and if you don't attone for it you will always be a hostile nation to all of those who love freedom.

Leave Taiwan and Hong Kong alone. What you are doing with them is no better than what Hitler did to Poland and Austria.

Any questions...

> China is built. The infrastructure, and government is set in place.
> In my opinion, what do you think will happen once all of these
> changes you propose i.e. diversities, religons begin their
> collisions? I agree i.e. Changes, diversity can make countries
> stronger & stronger. BUT NOT force change by foreigners. If you
> are a English teacher in our society, pls take your place teaching
> English. We're fully capable of making our own changes.

> When people are able to respect and accept their differences then
> understanding and peace have a chance to blossom.

> Thanks for your time teaching English in China. Hope you enjoy and
> keep good memories.

> Shao Lin

Shao Lin - 2004-08-16
China is OK and Prospering!!

China is built. The infrastructure, and government is set in place. In my opinion, what do you think will happen once all of these changes you propose i.e. diversities, religons begin their collisions? I agree i.e. Changes, diversity can make countries stronger & stronger. BUT NOT force change by foreigners. If you are a English teacher in our society, pls take your place teaching English. We're fully capable of making our own changes.

When people are able to respect and accept their differences then understanding and peace have a chance to blossom.

Thanks for your time teaching English in China. Hope you enjoy and keep good memories.

Shao Lin

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