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#1 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-22
Re: ESl Missionaries

Yes, thinking later, I realised that this is true, but that point was only one of Roger's red herrings. I didn't jump on him in my original OP for that. It was for using adverbs and verbs to qualify a noun!
I'm glad you enjoy these little spats. Makes a change from reading about Frank Zhang!!

#2 Parent who cares - 2008-05-22
Re: ESl Missionaries

Sorry Ginger, you're way off the mark on this one. Adverbs are commonly and quite frequently used to modify adjectives.
I think you'll need to admit defeat on this point and move on. I do enjoy your ongoing repartee with Roger -truly interesting actually, so just accept that you've lost this particular battle but that there will be more to come.

#3 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-05-21
Re: ESl Missionaries

Ahh! Roger the Linguist! Do you actually teach your students this kind of rubbish! Perhaps, rarely, an adverb does qualify an adjective, but, off the top of my head I can't think of any. But, that is beside the point. You are using an adjective, and a verb, to qualify a noun!! You could have, correctly, used two adjectives!
" egregious, stereotypical comments". Hopelessly overblown prose, but, nevertheless, grammatically correct.

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