Return to Index › Re: Pronounciation - Why don't teachers correct black kids when the pronounce words wrong?
#1 Parent James McAllister - 2008-05-23
Re: Pronounciation - Why don't teachers correct black kids when the pronounce words wrong?

Yes,you're probably right that I'm overly optimistic.

Yes, I am an American. And yes, I am familiar with sub-cultures in America. And yes I am aware that African American Vernacular has been identified as one of many Englishes in the U.S.

I'm probably over simplifying the problem and, as you said, probably being way too optimistic by stating that the problem will fall by the wayside in a few generations. Actually, I probably should have given my reply much more consideration; however, to be truthful I was having a fight with one of my other selves :ush about how to respond to the post. I felt that in some ways it was rather bigoted, yet I didn't really want to address it from that standpoint. Personally, I rather enjoy many of the ways that English is used in America. Hell, I even enjoy "valley girl talk." In fact, I think the beauty of English is that we can do so much with it and change it in ways that don't seem acceptable one day and then suddenly it finds its way into our lexicon of daily speech. I explain to my students that colloquial speech goes way beyond the limitations of regional speech or cultural affectations. For example, I speak a completely different kind of English to my 90 year old mother than I ever would outside of her home.

Well anyway, too bad I won't be around in fifty years or so to see what American English has evolved into. I'm sure it will be interesting though. And, by the way, you're right - now that America is a multi-cultural society rather than a melting pot there will always be interesting deviations from the standard.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

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