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#1 Parent riddlemethis - 2008-05-25
Re: I need educating. Please help

You wrote:
"You put me in a new tight spot - too much FT-bashing. Was it necessary to list so many shortcomings? I suppose many of them can be found in daily life at your college, but I have a problem accepting your depiction as a relevant or even accurate depiction of the average FT!
Give the average FT some slack - for working under such challenging circumstances!"

Yes it was necessary; examples make me people think. I would rather be in the position of supporting FT's for their commitment to excellence; unfortunately, I rarely see it and, moreover, I find that in this particular forum there is too much blame put on the students. Never the less, I will try to be more balanced in the future, as I realize there are many FT's who do their best. Meanwhile, can you acknowledge that not enough FT's take the time to improve their skills as teachers?

You wrote:
"Two times you contend students are becoming more "sophisticated". Is that so at YOUR college?"

Perhaps I should have wrote "some" or "many" students are becoming more sophisticated. And yes, it is so at my college, and I would warrant that it is the same at other colleges. Chinese students have a reluctance to speak out and, as you know, are reluctant to challenge authority, but that doesn't imply that they are lacking sophistication or are looking at the current EFL scene through rose colored glasses.

You added that I, "bewailed that some FTs cannot interest their Chinese English learners in the subject, but whose fault is that?" Did I say that? I hope so because that's definitely my belief. Yes, some students could care less, but an attempt should be made to reach even those students on some level. Espousing the belief that all Chinese students are wretchedly incapable learners excuses the teacher's role and presupposes that no matter what an FT does in China they will not have good results. Here's a thought, a question and a challenge all rolled into one: How many FT's involve themselves in the acquisition process by recognizing that their goal should be one that leans toward being a participant in the process?

I realize that there is a belief here in this forum that we should be supporting our colleagues wherever and whenever possible. It is not my intention to create a gulf between experienced and inexperienced teachers, yet I cannot in good conscience sit back and accept the constant student bashing that goes on here. We must all accept some of the responsibility for our failures. In a previous post it was mentioned that there are many success stories in China. Examine the work of Martin Wolff for example. He has had extraordinary success with fourth tier students in China by thoroughly embracing the notion that language is acquired and not learned. Through that recognition he has put programs in place that have earned him a great reputation as an educator in China and has set many students on an excellent path toward acquiring English joyfully and purposefully.

I'm also willing to accept that my love for this country and for its young people may sometimes cloud my vision and may manifest itself as being overly supportive at times. However, some truths are simply unavoidable. The EFL scene in China is in shambles. An inordinate amount of inexperienced and uncaring FT's add to the problem. This is indisputable; therefore, every time there is an attempt to shift the blame onto the students without acknowledging the culpability of FT's, I cannot help but wonder why. This forum is simply a tool wherein I exercise my right to express my disbelief and consternation. I don't mind being proven wrong. But I'm still waiting for that to happen. Moreover, I would like to see more qualified teachers from abroad accept the challenge of coming here and making a difference rather than have them dissuaded by the dissemination of complaints and faulty observations as are rampant in this forum.

"It isnt that they cant see the solution. It is that they cant see the problem."
G.K. Chesterton

The obscure we see eventually, the completely apparent takes longer."
Edward Murrow

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