Return to Index › ESL Teachers in China are asked to contribute
#1 Parent Researcher - 2004-08-23
Re: Wheres the Survey

> Can't find the bloody thing,

The survey questionnaire may be missing from the classifieds and announcements due to updates. Please try again the following day.

#2 Parent Jerel Bonner - 2004-08-23
Wheres the Survey

Can't find the bloody thing,

> ESL Teachers in China are asked to contribute

> For those ESL teachers based in China or who are thinking of working
> in China there is an ESL Teachers Survey Questionnaire posted under
> the Classifieds and Announcements.

> The questionnaire is undergoing development. It will be under trial
> until the end of September 2004.

> Your valuable and personal experience and working knowledge of the
> ESL industry in China can now be used to make this pilot survey an
> accurate and reliable reflection of the views and opinions of ESL
> teachers in China.

> The results of the survey will be posted on the ESL Teachers Board.

> Confidentially of the senders email address is assured and will not
> be displayed or kept on file during or after the survey.

> Please attempt this questionnaire and there is a section for your
> feedback at the end of the survey form.

> This notice is not an invitation to introduce the contents of the
> survey to the discussion forum. However, individuals are invited to
> complete the survey form and suggest constructive changes to
> questions so as to give them more relevance to researching and
> gathering data on the ESL industry in China from the perspective of
> the ESL teacher.

> Please only make suggestion on your survey returns and not on the
> discussion forum

> Thanking you for your co-operation

Researcher - 2004-08-21
ESL Teachers in China are asked to contribute

ESL Teachers in China are asked to contribute

For those ESL teachers based in China or who are thinking of working in China there is an ESL Teachers Survey Questionnaire posted under the Classifieds and Announcements.

The questionnaire is undergoing development. It will be under trial until the end of September 2004.

Your valuable and personal experience and working knowledge of the ESL industry in China can now be used to make this pilot survey an accurate and reliable reflection of the views and opinions of ESL teachers in China.

The results of the survey will be posted on the ESL Teachers Board.

Confidentially of the senders email address is assured and will not be displayed or kept on file during or after the survey.

Please attempt this questionnaire and there is a section for your feedback at the end of the survey form.

This notice is not an invitation to introduce the contents of the survey to the discussion forum. However, individuals are invited to complete the survey form and suggest constructive changes to questions so as to give them more relevance to researching and gathering data on the ESL industry in China from the perspective of the ESL teacher.

Please only make suggestion on your survey returns and not on the discussion forum

Thanking you for your co-operation

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