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#1 Parent callmefred - 2008-06-07
Re: Relevance Turnoi

Hurricane ? I think Will O'the Wisp is much more appropriate moniker for the old chap.

There are various explanations for the Will o' the Wisps, the most general being that they are malevolent spirits either of the dead or non-human intelligence. They have a mischievous and often malevolent nature, luring unwary travellers (teachers ?) into dangerous situations.

Mmmmmm. ring any bells ?

#2 Parent Jerome - 2008-06-07
Re: Relevance Turnoi/I am the Walrus

"I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together"
John and Paul

Being that I'm Jerome, I'm pretty sure I'm not USMC. Pretty sure I'm not Fish either. But then, maybe I've been off the Lithium too long. Don't mind being associated with them though. Quite honored actually. Fish was a very intelligent and focused poster in these forums. USMC steps up to the plate and knocks 'em right outta de park. As for John McAllister, I haven't even seen any of his posts. But, since you seem not to like him, I'm already fond of him. Well, no matter what, it's a fun game your playing Turnip. Got anymore guesses? No, no, we already know: "the toddler" = "Mr. Popularity" - think of another. But do be careful; wouldn't want to tax your imagination too much. After all, you've already shown signs of an imminent and irreversible implosion.

"Expert textpert choking smokers
Don't you think the joker laughs at you? (Ha ha ha! He he he! Ha ha ha!)"
John and Paul

#3 Parent Hurricane - 2008-06-06
Re: Relevance Turnoi

John Mc Allister =USCM = Jerome = Fish.
He or "they" are fake and all one and the same person staring a witch-hunt on all posters here with a dislike of crap recruiters and their evil business.

#4 Parent James McAllister - 2008-06-06
Re: Relevance Turnoi

Interesting that you think I can "pretend" to be something and "claim to be something" at the same time. Also, it would be interesting to see you show some 'general standards" in the use of English. Some of my university students have proven themselves more capable of using English than you have in your multiple yet tiresome posts in these forums. I've noticed before that you consider yourself fluent in several languages. It has become quite apparent that English is not one of those languages. Basically, you massacre the language and by claiming to be a master of it you only show your inability to strike a more humble pose. I have no problem with non-native speakers attempting to show their mastery of the language, but I would rather see them approach that attempt from a position that acknowledges their realization that "mastery" in this context carries the meaning of willingness to try. Far too often, though, you simply have shown that you reached a point in your language studies where you concluded that good enough is good enough. Unfortunately, for you, good enough is not good enough. But don't get me wrong my linguistically challenged friend; I'm not accusing you of being incapable. I'm only accusing you of resting on your laurels. Not quite good enough. Your use of the English language. is sub-par. Apparently, so is your comprehension. It's never too late to learn though. It's quite possible that with a little effort you might improve. I wouldn't bank on it though.......... lol - right backatcha...................

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