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#1 Parent jersey - 2008-06-17
Re: Lao wai Teachers

I am a female teacher from the UK and taught in China back in 2004 and had a Chinese boyfriend, so it does work both ways. I did see a lot of Western men with Chinese girlfriends especially around Shanghai, but although there are few Western women with Chinese boyfriends .etc., it does happen and can work out. China is an amazing country enriched with history, culture and tradition. It would be nice to see some posts about things like that and the teaching style as opposed to childish insults like one's in a chatroom on yahoo or something. Aren't we supposed to be professionals?!

#2 Parent Nick - 2008-06-12
Re: Lao wai Teachers

Please, I am not trying to be a writer or double checking my words, ok. I am just speaking freely out of my mind, so when i think of something, i write it. And thanks for the tip as if i didn't know you shakespear.

#3 Parent scholar - 2008-06-11
Re: Lao wai Teachers

Read something serious and not trashy novels and you might find differently. Just because rules are ignored, it doesn't mean that they do not still exist.

You'll be telling me next that George Dubya speaks the same language as the rest of the English speaking world.!

#4 Parent SanFranCisco - 2008-06-11
Re: Lao wai Teachers

The basic rule you learned in your first year at Junior School does not still apply. Read a few novels; you might be surprised.

#5 Parent scholar - 2008-06-11
Re: Lao wai Teachers

Several points to make here.
First, in relation to your general point, what you describe is the system here in China, work with it or get out.
Put yourself inside the mind of the parents. Most are busting their b*lls to pay for the education of their children, so of course they want to see native speakers teaching English to little Johnny or Jenny, (white face = native speaker) and dont they feel proud when they see a few words exchanged between a lao wai and their child. They feel vindicated in having made the not inconsiderable sacrifices to achieve a better future for their offspring, even though you and I know that optimism is often misguided.

Secondly: Most teachers in reputable schools in China are not backpackers. There is of course a small percentage of them generally utilized by chain schools and training establishments, but of the 30 plus teachers working in the two colleges in my area, there is not a single one. Extrapolate from that.

Lastly: having seen the level of English language skills displayed on this forum from Filipinos, Africans, pseudo Europeans, A'merkins and some Aussies, it doesnt in the least surprise me that parents insist upon native English speakers. However in my opinion none of the former qualify for that title as evidenced by the mangled spelling, grammar, syntax and woeful lack of language skill shown in this forum.

One small tip for you.
A basic rule in written English (taught in my first year at Junior School) states:
Never begin a sentence with And, But, So, or Then. It still applies.

Nick - 2008-06-11
Lao wai Teachers

I think everyone is missing the main point. I work as a teachers supervisor in a school and the reason why we need white faced teachers is because of the parents. It would be so much easier for the school if the parents didn't complain or want just white teachers. Little do they know that most white teachers are just backpackers. I mean there are some good ones out there, but most are without degrees and just want to travel. It's not even the same when we are comparing for say Americans and Filipinos. Americans come because they find it easier to be in China then in US or that they are bankrupt or something along the line. Filipinos are here mainly for the money. people are coming here for different reasons. But parents don't know that about the teachers, they think that people really want to come and teach here. Do not get me wrong, they are good teachers out there but most are like that. Parents want their kids to be able to go up to any lao wai and start talking to them, that is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. Who goes up to a stranger and just starts talking to them. And when their kids don't the parent comes to the school and says my kid does not speak english well enough to go up to a lao wai and speak away. STUPID. Parents think that if you are white then your english is perfect, if you are anything else then you can't speak as well as those that are white. I can understand because it's like going to an italian restaruant and seeing the cook is Chinese, you will think it's weird. Or going to a Mogolian grill place and seeing a mexican cooking Chinese. People just automatically think odd about it. But then once they have tasted the food then they realize that it's pretty good or even better. Parents need educating and give time in trying. Any way, I think it's wrong to only want Lao wais but as a school there is only very very little we can do because we are trying to satisfy the parents.

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