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#1 Parent notdonknotts - 2008-06-12
Re: Teaching Overseas, Looking For Answers

Thanks Turoni for the advice! From some of my reading, I was under the impression that a DELTA could not be obtained before a CELTA, but that could of been misinformation. Is there actually no significant difference?

I'm starting to think it would be more cost effective to take the course in the country I would be attempting to gain employment. So I'm trying to find countries that will accept non-degreed individuals that offer these courses. Thus far I've found CELTA courses offered in Indonesia and Ecquator, but the latter it more of a night class so I'm trying to do additional research on it to find if it's as "widely accepted" as the typical 4 week courses.

If anyone has a list of countries that give working visas to people without degree that also offer a CELTA/DELTA course, or any of the other questions I asked above it would be appreciated. Thanks again.

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