Return to Index › RE: Reputable Korean schools
#1 Parent Marty - 2008-06-19
Re: RE: Reputable Korean schools

I worked in S. Korea for 6 months at 4 different schools because none of them lived up to their contracts. I eventually left disgusted with the entire experience. A contract in Korea isn't worth the paper it's printed on (bad, but true cliche) in Korea EXCEPT when YOU'RE the one breaching it. I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS RECOMMEND WORKING IN S. KOREA. Just for the record I worked for Oe Dae, Brighton and two others I don't remember (or care not to). Feel free to email me if you want specifics of my experience.

#2 Parent BigAppleBob - 2008-06-13
Re: RE: Reputable Korean schools

B.D. After five roller-coaster years in China, I very recently came to Korea and began working for "the leading, most reputable" English training center in Korea. Frankly, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I feel like I work on a plantation. Lots of luck...

BARRY J. DAVIS - 2008-06-12
RE: Reputable Korean schools

Can someone help me with what schools are reputable in South Korea. There seem to be a large variety there, and I do not wish to get stuck with a lousy one.
Please help me with this if you can.
Thank you.

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