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#1 Parent who cares - 2008-06-14
Re: who cares???

Glad I could get a rise out of you BAB, but you're so far off the mark in thinking I'm USMC that you only expose yourself further as a sheep in the turnip's and the toddler's flock. Got any original thoughts?
Okay, you got me, you didn't claim to "hate" China; however, what a writer doesn't say often reveals as much between the lines as what he does say. Prove me wrong.
Oh my God! Our posts are part of an archive? I'm going to lose sleep over that. By the way, why don't you go through said archives and then let me know if you still want to align yourselves with the toddler and the turnip. They're both foul mouthed and stumble over their own thoughts so often that they're rarely comprehensible. Moreover, the toddler implies - no, actually does more than imply - that degree holders are useless. Do you agree with that assertion? Go ahead BAB, check it out and then be so kind as to tell me you still want to join their club.
Well, sorry I called you a "meathead." Totally uncalled for - as were your accusatory statements that you have yet to justify.

#2 Parent BigAppleBob - 2008-06-13
who cares???

Who cares??? Apparently YOU care enough to respond. Only problem is, you claim I hate China, and at no point did I say that, USMC.

Your posting has all the classic markings of your typical diatribe and characteristic vocabulary and assumption (turnip, and pizza delivery" "meathead" to name just a few). You want proof of my accusations? Hello! Anyone can review YOUR posts and decide for themselves. Theyre all part of the archive.

Youre the Bill OReilly of ESLTeachersBoard,com.

#3 Parent who cares - 2008-06-13
Re: I whole-heartedly agree!(not)

Poor guy! Hated China for five years; even so, lived and worked here all that time. Must have been preferable to trying to make ends meet in the Big Apple. Well, yeah, I can understand that now that I think about it. The cost of living being so high in New York City, it must have been tough making ends meet delivering pizzas for tips and minimum wage.
One more meat head who couldn't cope and needs to blame everyone else but himself. Welcome to the toddler's club, BAB. He and the turnip need all the support they can get. But please don't lump linguisticus with their group. He at least manages to focus in on reality once in a while, but the toddler and the turnip wouldn't recognize reality if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.
Finally, if you're going to attack posters such as USMC here, you'd better bring a bit more to the table than name calling. Back up your claims with some facts regarding what you suggest he has lied about. In addition, elaborate on what you mean by calling him and others apologists and propagandists. I won't hold my breath waiting for your answer, though, because I'm sure that, like the toddler and the turnip, you'll not demonstrate the ability to stay on topic long enough to have an actual discussion. Unless of course, like them, you become obsessively involved with Frank Zhang who thanks them daily for the publicity and gleefully taunts them so that they'll continue to bring his name up in these forums.

#4 Parent BigAppleBob - 2008-06-13
I whole-heartedly agree!

Speak on it, Silverboy!

More often than not, I agree with the sentiments of Silverboy, Linguisticus, and Turnoi. I lived and worked in China for five years, and I agree with a number of sentiments (but of course, not all) posted here by these guys. THEY are speaking the truth about working and living condition in China -- as opposed to guys like USMC who are at the very least, apologists and often propagandists for the astounding PRC.

I loved teaching Chinese students, but living there and dealing with employers and other conditions, despite my greatest efforts to cope and adjust, ultimately became too much to bear. All this nonsense about "saving face" is often ridiculous and hypocritical -- and loaded with double standards. I tried my best to be aware and thoughtful toward other's "face," but almost never did they consider my "face." It's all a big pile of one-sided, steaming BS!

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