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#1 Parent jersey - 2008-06-18
Re: Silverboy

Excuse-me Silverboy! But a lot of people work hard to get CELTA or TESOL qualified plus it costs a lot of money, time and effort to do and they are far from crap!!! I know a lot of idiots who possess degrees, but I also know a lot of intelligent, forward thinking people who also have degrees. There's a real mix in the EFL world and I am a very creative person and Yes! I hold a degree. To be a teacher, I believe that you have to be enthusiastic, patient, caring and willing to go the distance and able to deliver the lesson in a way where the ss can relate to you. If they come away from the lesson enjoying themselves and learning something then that is what being a teacher is all about. I think EFL is getting tougher these days, because of idiots who ruin it for everybody else. It isn't easy to get your flight paid for to and from your own country as some people were taking the flights and running and now some places expect MAs in linguistics and so on. It's getting quite over the top but to bash everyone whose been to uni and worked for TEFL qualifications just makes you as silly as the other idiots about. It is also a silly statement to say that the "only" creative people are those without fancy qualifications?!!!!!!

#2 Parent who cares - 2008-06-14
Re: Silverboy's offerings

"No, it is not nonsense, a degree is NOT NEEDED to teach English in China. Often, non-degree holders are better teachers than degree holders. I suggest all non-degree teachers who want to live in Asia should come to China ASAP. Friendly people, great beer, HOT women, tasty food, it is all awaiting for you here in China!"

"Yeah, degrees ARE useless for teaching in China, unless they are degrees related to teaching."

Yes you fool, I know what CELTA and Trinity are, in my opinion they are both CRAP!

"I agree with all that. A degree is not needed in order to be a great teacher. It is also bullshit that people in the USA and Australia need to have a degree to become a teacher."

"The same applies to teaching. Most of the degree holders are useless, they lack creativity, just follow the garbage they were taught at uni."

"Chinese education system is rotten". I couldn't agree more. Out of the 400 or so students I teach each week, only about 20 or 3O of them actually have some degree of motivation, intelligence and confidence. Out of those 20 or 30, I would only consider 7 or 8 to be extremely bright, and four of them (all girls) to be outstanding.

An example of English literacy in Wuhan. 19 year old Chinese male asked to spell "it", and "but". "Waw boo jir daow" ( I don't know ) Asked in Chinese how long he has been studying English. Seven years. Another boy can't write, " The boy flew a kite". Yes' those Chinese English teachers must be REALLY EFFECTIVE, and their students pay attention in class (not) I rest my case, teaching in China is a joke.

Well, Toddler, if you had actually had some training, you may have been able to reach more of those students before totally putting them off. As has been clearly stated before, pretend teachers can do more harm than good.

"The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself."
-- Edward Bulwer-Lytton

"A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary."
-- Thomas Carruthers

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