Return to Index › Re: Why do we need laowai teacher/Wang Hanglou
#1 Parent Fikester - 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher/Wang Hanglou



Aren't Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise both American? Now, I'm not a huge fan of either personally BUT I have heard scores of Chinese girls talk about how much they adore both men....and I think they're both American, shi ba?

As far as calling Americans "fat" all the time I think a lot of people forget that Westerners, in general, tend to have larger bodies than Asians and I'm not trying to sound racist but from my experience in the world Western people are taller, larger and hairier than Asians.

And I'm not saying that makes Western people better or worse in any way...it's just kind of a statement of fact.

I'm 6'3" and 185 - 190 pounds so compared to a lot of Chinese people I'm an ogre but back home I'm not the biggest dude on the block by any means.

And, in some ways, I think ideas like 'thin' and 'fat' are somewhat relative to culture because a lot of Chinese people (especially women) appear underweight to me....a lot of girls here have the shape of pencils and some guys like that but I prefer women with 'curves' and something we in America call 'breasts'.

Sure, there are fat people in America, so what?

But just because most Western people weigh more than 90 pounds does not automatically make them 'fat'.

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