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#1 Parent Marty - 2008-06-22
Re: RE: Reputable Korean schools

Ok, this is the last time I will dignify your goofiness with a response. If you think my English is poor, fine. You're entitled to your (inaccurate) opinion, which, in this case, means that it is YOUR English that is poor, because my friend, there is NOTHING wrong with mine. You think I was dismissed for being incompetent, fine. You're entitled to your (uninformed, baseless) opinion, but you know NOTHING about me or the bullshit and outright lies that I (and many other teachers I had the pleasure to meet) had to endure for 6 months while I was in S. Korea. As for S. Korea being 'much better off without me', this is the statement where YOU FAIL, because it wasn't S. Korea that actually DID anything to ME. It was the string of deceitful, greedy, manipulative, uncaring people (for lack of a better word) who had the audacity to call themselves 'boss' at each of the money-factories they happened to call a 'school'. Everything about S. Korea was wonderful...the people (socially), the food - omg, the food was so good, the atmosphere, the feeling of being safe...I could go on and on. So, before you start to get all defensive and ready to pounce on the next person who badmouths another hogwan in S. Korea, and I GUARANTEE you it will happen again, just remember - we're not attacking you personally, just the sorry excuses for human beings who run said hogwans.

How's my English, now, Mr. S. Korean Defender of the Righteous Hogwan? Still pretty poor in your eyes? Or have I opened them a little bit more to help you see the light?


PS to everyone thinking about going to S. Korea...DON'T TEACH IN S. KOREA. IT'S A NIGHTMARE WAITING TO HAPPEN.

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