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#1 Parent Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) - 2008-06-30
Re: PELCC pelandas?

It is two way traffic. Or should I just be selfish and let others advise me and not be bothered to try and help othe FT teachers when they post a message. I am just confirming what she already knows. Since I have been in the same situation - who better to advise.

#2 Parent The Owl - 2008-06-29
Re: PELCC pelandas?

Very good point, Gingermeggs.
Maybe Crazy Girl works for a competitor of EF???

#3 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-06-29
Re: PELCC pelandas?

crazy Girl wrote...Avoid them like the plague and save yourself the headache of getting involved with a company that already has a bad reputation.

Anyone else notice an anomaly here? Calling herself new to China, finding that EF is a bad place, but allegedly knowing enough to denounce the disreputable Perlandas.

#4 Parent Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) - 2008-06-29
Re: PELCC pelandas?

Avoid them like the plague and save yourself the headache of getting involved with a company that already has a bad reputation.

#5 Parent BigAppleBob - 2008-06-28
What more do you need?

Uh, considering the overwhelming number of negative posts/LOUD warnings on this website regarding Perlandas -- coupled with your own statement: "I have scant experience with this employment group (all negative). Have friends...well, I know people really, who have had some dealings with this character and it seems like he is a really "shifty" businessman/person..." I am stunned that you need to ask "What say YOU?" I say, What more do you need???

JOK - 2008-06-28
PELCC pelandas?

can any give advice, your experience relating to, thoughts of or any thing about the above group...I have scant experience with this employment group (all negative). Have friends...well, I know people really, who have had some dealings with this character and it seems like he is a really "shifty" businessman/person...
What say YOU?

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