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#1 Parent Sage - 2004-10-21
Dead link

Hi Robert,
As of 8:36pm PST this link is dead. Do you still have the info? Can you post it here?

> Take a look at the folowing link:
> http://www.ghana.gov.gh/governing/ministers/akomea.php The
> gentleman being an exstudent at the school may be interested or
> pusuaded to help.

> It's worth a try.
> Good luck

> Robert

#2 Parent Robert Newman - 2004-10-21
New Era School

Take a look at the folowing link:

The gentleman being an exstudent at the school may be interested or pusuaded to help.

It's worth a try.
Good luck


> Please see the following email I sent to ESL Teachers Board. New Era
> School in Accra, Ghana is a scam. Has anyone out there sent any money
> to them?

> Subject: Scam
> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 07:29:42 -0700 (PDT)

> Dear ESL Teacher Board,

> I believe the New Era School in Accra, Ghana is a
> scam. I applied for the position and they offered me
> the position to teach at their school. I sent them
> $200.00 for them to send the documents to me via DHL
> etc. After they had the money for two weeks I emailed
> them asking when they would be sending the documents
> and airline ticket. They emailed me telling me to be
> paitient that things take time and then just yesterday
> I received an email asking me to send another $300.00.
> Their reason was that the government changed the
> price of applying for the work permit.

> I emailed back saying I wasn't sending any more money
> and I believed they are scamming me.

> I have not been able to find anything on the internet
> about the New Era School in Accra, Ghana. The
> position was posted on Monday, August 23, 2004.

> What can be done about this?

> Sincerely,
> Bonnie

#3 Parent Britany - 2004-10-20

> zzzzzzzz...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........zzzzzzzzzz

> Hi,

> I'm sorry to hear of your experience.
> I just decided to get a job in a country where there are laws to
> protect me. The tax I pay I guess ensures common law and a clean
> envirnoment.
> I even went to the library and got a book out on
> "The dummies guide to job interviews" and got the job, even
> though I was changing careers. In the future I might go on a short
> term teaching holiday, if that could be fun, and return to my job at
> home.ie take a few months out, and return to security.
> All the best. Sincerely,
> Wilhemenia.


GOOD NEWS. I was just on www.eslcafe.com and found
www.efl-law.org. It says that there are jobs that come under proper law in various contries around the world, and jobs are available now.

Bye and good luck
Britany :D

#4 Parent Wilhemenia - 2004-10-20
What to do?

> What can be done? Mark it up to experience.



I'm sorry to hear of your experience.
I just decided to get a job in a country where there are laws to protect me. The tax I pay I guess ensures common law and a clean envirnoment.
I even went to the library and got a book out on
"The dummies guide to job interviews" and got the job, even though I was changing careers. In the future I might go on a short term teaching holiday, if that could be fun, and return to my job at home.ie take a few months out, and return to security.
All the best.


#5 Parent Laowai - 2004-10-20
What can be done?

> Please see the following email I sent to ESL Teachers Board. New Era
> School in Accra, Ghana is a scam. Has anyone out there sent any money
> to them?

> Subject: Scam
> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 07:29:42 -0700 (PDT)

> Dear ESL Teacher Board,

> I believe the New Era School in Accra, Ghana is a
> scam. I applied for the position and they offered me
> the position to teach at their school. I sent them
> $200.00 for them to send the documents to me via DHL
> etc. After they had the money for two weeks I emailed
> them asking when they would be sending the documents
> and airline ticket. They emailed me telling me to be
> paitient that things take time and then just yesterday
> I received an email asking me to send another $300.00.
> Their reason was that the government changed the
> price of applying for the work permit.

> I emailed back saying I wasn't sending any more money
> and I believed they are scamming me.

> I have not been able to find anything on the internet
> about the New Era School in Accra, Ghana. The
> position was posted on Monday, August 23, 2004.

> What can be done about this?

> Sincerely,
> Bonnie

What can be done? Mark it up to experience.

#6 Parent Bonnie - 2004-10-20
New Era School Accra, Ghana

Please see the following email I sent to ESL Teachers Board. New Era School in Accra, Ghana is a scam. Has anyone out there sent any money to them?

Subject: Scam
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 07:29:42 -0700 (PDT)

Dear ESL Teacher Board,

I believe the New Era School in Accra, Ghana is a
scam. I applied for the position and they offered me
the position to teach at their school. I sent them
$200.00 for them to send the documents to me via DHL
etc. After they had the money for two weeks I emailed
them asking when they would be sending the documents
and airline ticket. They emailed me telling me to be
paitient that things take time and then just yesterday
I received an email asking me to send another $300.00.
Their reason was that the government changed the
price of applying for the work permit.

I emailed back saying I wasn't sending any more money
and I believed they are scamming me.

I have not been able to find anything on the internet
about the New Era School in Accra, Ghana. The
position was posted on Monday, August 23, 2004.

What can be done about this?


Thunder - 2004-10-19
CK Teachers Abroad

Hello again,

Has anyone heard of CK Teachers Abroad, http://ckteachers.com/ ? I am trying to find legitimate recruitment agencies and happened upon the aforementioned, whose website at the least appears respectable.

I have also heard excellent feedback regarding the Park English recruitment agency. I am basically fishing for input, past experiences, suggestions etc.

Thanks in advance,


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