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#1 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-10-31

Mr. "A." ...

I am happy that you have reconsidered your posture with regard to the point I was attempting to make about your English language skills. NO, I do NOT consider this some kind of "victory," nor do I expect you to offer me twenty years of bonded servitude as tenable compensation for the damages you have inflicted upon my "ego." Of course, I know that English is your second language, and looking at it from that standpoint, you use it well enough. It's only the "TEACHER" part that gets my goat! Like the majority of the "foreign experts" who have been imported by various countries throughout Asia, I spent 4 hard years in acquiring my teaching degree ... something which establishes us as qualified to teach the English language. Then, too, as a direct result of being native speakers, we are (or SHOULD be!) acquainted with the colloquial and idiomatic ins and outs of English. In my experience, I have encountered only one exception to this rule, a Japanese ex-employer of mine, and this was during the roughly 5 years I spent in Tokyo in the rles of instructor, writer, and business manager. He was a native-born Osakan, who had studied English for a number of years, yet spent only 2 years as a resident of the USA, as a simultaneous interpreter (Japanese to English). Later, when CNN was available in Japan, he was one of the first to acquire same, while, from what he told me, he had it on both day AND night ... even while he was sleeping! When I first met the gentleman, I assumed he was a Japanese-American (judging from his NY accent), B-U-T, I was later astounded to learn the REAL story. Up to that time, my venerable ex-employer had written over 100 educationally-oriented books, at least HALF of which were in English! Now, if that isn't a story to give hope to anyone whose second language is English, I don't know what the hell is! Christ! It even gives ME some measure of inspiration!!!

THREE words, was it? In Latin, was it? The only Latin words I used in my last post were: gluteus maximus, meaning buttocks. No, A., GERMAN happens to be my second language.

Keep in touch, my friend.

The Arrogant One >\-|

> O.K. Mr. Arrogant One,

> You win. Are you happy?

> I understand now that you are no longer in Asia, yet find it useful
> spending the time to writing out your feelings on a discussion forum
> where most of the teachers themselves are actually in foreign
> countries as we speak.

> ...and your point about my English is well taken and could stand some
> improving, but I'm sorry for that, because you see English is my
> second langauge.

> May I ask you Mr. AO, what is your second language?

> I noticed in your previous post, that you have some knowledge of
> Latin.
> I'm guessing that I should be amazed by this or maybe you expect I
> can't understand the three words you typed for this silly eastern
> minded person to try and figure out the meaning.

> I'm sure I can type out three words that you wouldn't be able to
> understand.

> Ah so what. It makes no difference.
> You are a great big western man of the world and really know how to
> reveal your higher intellect, on a discussion forum.

#2 Parent x21 - 2004-10-31
Is this the custom here?

Well if that's the case, he's in the wrong.

#3 Parent A. - 2004-10-31
You win

O.K. Mr. Arrogant One,

You win. Are you happy?

I understand now that you are no longer in Asia, yet find it useful spending the time to writing out your feelings on a discussion forum where most of the teachers themselves are actually in foreign countries as we speak.

...and your point about my English is well taken and could stand some improving, but I'm sorry for that, because you see English is my second langauge.

May I ask you Mr. AO, what is your second language?

I noticed in your previous post, that you have some knowledge of Latin.
I'm guessing that I should be amazed by this or maybe you expect I can't understand the three words you typed for this silly eastern minded person to try and figure out the meaning.

I'm sure I can type out three words that you wouldn't be able to understand.

Ah so what. It makes no difference.
You are a great big western man of the world and really know how to reveal your higher intellect, on a discussion forum.

#4 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-10-31
PLEASE don't tell me you're "a teacher!"

> dear A and O,
> why don't you stop pretending to be someone, and go back to your home
> far away?

> are you afraid?

> so many ESL'rs afraid to go back to their own countries.

> should asia always support you fakes?


(This creep's a genuine gluteus maximus!)

Well, thanks for at least capitalizing my handle this time! So ... you see, Monsieur Derrire Grande, I'm certain you'll be ecstatic to hear that Asia never quite "supported" me -- which constitutes the reason why I am no longer there! Nonetheless, like a few others in the forum, it pains me to notice pathetic slobs like you who actually earn money under false pretenses, i.e., pretending to be "teachers." It is charlatans like you who help keep the pay scale low for those imported foreign experts TRULY worth their salt ... highly dedicated practitioners who have something definitive to contribute to the cause of English language learning in your country.

Finally, "Sir-Reverence" (*look THAT one up), I would suggest a bit more open-mindedness toward timely correction your obviously weak grammar. ANYONE is capable of making mistakes ... even the most educated of us. But, by blatantly refusing to recognize a much-too-consistently-demonstrated shortcoming -- and being a teacher, to boot -- is not only dishonest but unfair to those who have the misfortune of having you for their "teacher!" A WORD TO THE WISE: Don't spend so much energy defending yourself against all those "foreign devils" who have "invaded" your country, get yourself a copy of the AZAR BLUE grammar book, and DIG IN!

No cost for the consultation.

>\-| Have a nice day.

#5 Parent A. - 2004-10-31
A and O

dear A and O,
why don't you stop pretending to be someone, and go back to your home far away?

are you afraid?

so many ESL'rs afraid to go back to their own countries.

should asia always support you fakes?

#6 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-10-31
Like Starbucks, there's one on every corner!

> yes @#%@$%@ arrogant one,
> i have lived in shenzhen and yes...it is hot.

> so what?

> and no i'm not a republican but you are still a !$!#!, since you seem
> to enjoy name calling so much...#$!#$!.

> and no i didn't always type city names in caps...so what...#$@#$@#$.

> you call yourself the arrogant one...how about just plain ol'...(you
> guessed it) !@#$!#$!#$.

> do you work in asia with that attitude?
> what a poison little person you are.


:? ARE YOU FOR REAL, MAN??? WHY is this forum plagued by so many sickies? :? Not that I'm complaining about a brazen response to my particular brand of sarcasm, but, Jesus ... not only does the jackass omit capital letters in cities, continents, political parties ... even HIS OWN personal pronoun, he has the unmitigated gall, the unforgivable temerity ... the outlandish chutzpah not to capitalize the "A" and the "O" as in Arrogant One!

In other words, right back at you, Mate!

Have a nice day. >\-|

#7 Parent marie - 2004-10-31
Thanks for making me laugh on a dreary Sunday morning, far from home!

I came to this site by accident on a wet and dreary Sunday morning, a long way from home and thanks for making me laugh out loud. I am in Changsha, Hunan, it can be as hot as hell, 100 percent humidity,. the noise, pollution, the death wish rides in taxis, the suicidal crossing of roads,the "teaching"but I love it, but I sure know what you mean about I have been teaching all day.........pass the gin and do not disturb! Must check in more often.

#8 Parent A. - 2004-10-31
enemy to all

yes @#%@$%@ arrogant one,
i have lived in shenzhen and yes...it is hot.

so what?

and no i'm not a republican but you are still a !$!#!, since you seem to enjoy name calling so much...#$!#$!.

and no i didn't always type city names in caps...so what...#$@#$@#$.

you call yourself the arrogant one...how about just plain ol'...(you guessed it) !@#$!#$!#$.

do you work in asia with that attitude?
what a poison little person you are.

#9 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-10-30
SHENZHEN??? You GOTTA be joking!!!

> Gus,
> try Shenzhen in guangdong province. it's near the ocean, has better
> air quality, and not far from hong kong.
> in fact living in shenzhen makes it possible to go in and out of
> China via hong kong.

> you also might want to visit Guangzhou a city not too far from
> shenzhen.
> the air quaility is not so good but the city is more interesting than
> shenzhen and many foreigners tend to enjoy the city better.

> also the people in guangzhou are attractive and helpful.
> you get a feeling of culture there unlike shenzhen that is merely a
> commerical city for business.


MAN! It's obvious you've never been in Shenzhen during the SUMMER! Last year, I had occasion to spend 9 days there during the month of August ... ABSOLUTELY the hottest and most humid I've ever experienced ANYWHERE on this God's Green Earth ... including THE CONGO and NEW DELHI! In fact, I left long ahead of schedule for the simple reason that I couldn't f#!@%&* BREATHE in that s**thole excuse for a Chinese metropolis! In fact, at the conclusion of my stay, when I was offered a fairly good teaching gig there, the only words that came to mind were: NO WAY, JOS!

By the by, I might also make mention of your consistently failing to capitalize the names of cities in your post! Also, despite my ill sentiments toward Shenzhen, I do believe it is a COMMERCIAL city, as opposed to the mere "COMMER-ICAL" variety ... and watch out when you're discussing AIR QUALITY instead of plain, old, run-of-the-mill "AIR *QUAIL-ITY!" ( *You MUST be a #@!%^& Republican! ) {Sorry, Man, I've been teaching all day, and it simply hasn't as yet left my blood stream!}

Love from,
The Arrogant One

#10 Parent A. - 2004-10-29
cities in the south

try Shenzhen in guangdong province. it's near the ocean, has better air quality, and not far from hong kong.
in fact living in shenzhen makes it possible to go in and out of China via hong kong.

you also might want to visit Guangzhou a city not too far from shenzhen.
the air quaility is not so good but the city is more interesting than shenzhen and many foreigners tend to enjoy the city better.

also the people in guangzhou are attractive and helpful.
you get a feeling of culture there unlike shenzhen that is merely a commerical city for business.

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