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#1 Parent me - 2004-10-30

Thank you anyways. I will try to get this sorted out through another avenue. Thanks,

#2 Parent Dos - 2004-10-29
Not sure, but..

Ah, well I can't really speak with any authority on SK. However, I have read quite a few posts about visas there, and the very fact you came in on a visitors visa sounds not-good.
My understanding (and please note, I could be wrong here), is that for SK you *must* come in on a work visa, though apparently people do trip over to Japan for one, so maybe not all is lost.:?

Sorry I can't help any more. If you come to China I can tell you all about that!! Good luck!

#3 Parent Madge - 2004-10-29
To run or not to run, this is the question?

Hi, Why don't you ask your employers when the visa is likely to be processed? Relax, take your mind off it, and wait. I think it's ok that they take their time these days, as they want to make sure that you are a good "fit", and that you are coming in everyday before processing your paper work.

Hope it works out for you.

#4 Parent me - 2004-10-29

thanks for your response,,i came in on a tourist visa, to south korea. i have worked here before and have never waited this long for a visa so it is making me really nervous. my visa is still good for another couple of months. my school only has copies of my passport.
its not an illegal school as far as i know but i am still thinking of leaving. im just worried that i will have trouble getting a visa at another school because i signed the contract at this one. there is one potential job in the same city. would you recommend relocating to another city altogether?

im thinking of doing a runner,,but even if i was caught mid move could they really do anything? i am planning to wait until after payday as i dont trust them to pay me should i say something.

#5 Parent Dos - 2004-10-26
Where are you?

What country are you in? What visa did you come in on? Did you give the school your passport?
If you are in China then it certainly shouldn't take 2 months to get a visa. When does your entry visa expire?
If you say you will leave they may give you problems and try to keep you, not pay you or make you leave the country even!
I hate to give this advice, but if you at an illegal school: Get a job offer from another (ligit) school in another city and do a runner after you have been paid. Don't tell the school!! Don't tell anyone at the school and be very careful when moving your stuff out, as they often have people who report your movements.
Sounds horrible I know, but it happens.
The above is a 'worst case' scenario.


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