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#1 Parent Jo - 2004-10-31
Colored in Korea.

Legally you are able to teach and work in Korea.
I know a guy from Cameroon who speaks two-three languages. Anyway, what you have to be aware of is that there is some prejudice out there in South Korea. Some Africans have been left at the airport, so to prevent this from happening, you must send your photo. It's their loss if they don't want you based on color. But make sure it's not your loss of a round trip fare if you fail to provide photos.A lot of schools want white faces, which is not very PC in the western nations. Even western born, ethnic Koreans have a hard job getting work. SO TRY! If you do end up going, visit Itaewon on the light brown subway. You will find some fellow country men and women there.

Jo :|

#2 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-31
No problem, I think....make a go


I dont know about Korea, but I can tell you about Japan and it might be similar. In the big metropolis where most of the foreign teachers like to go, for example Tokyo, the competition is tight and the schools prefer teachers younger than 34: blond hair and blues eyes are a big plus.

However, if you look about 2 hours out of the main city, the schools will not look at race, only native speaking ability. For example, in my school we have a Filipino and a Chinese-American. The Filipino is not even a native English speaker but super with kids; ergo, shes employable.

My guess is dont shoot for the big cities that most foreigners know from their atlas. Do be prepared for racism, albeit subtle, from some interviews. However, I believe you can do it just fine with the right strategy. Anyway, sorry that isnt enough information but Im sure someone will come along with more details to help you.

Welcome Aboard to the board.. >\-|

Spa - 2004-10-31
Dark skin in S. Korea

Can people other than caucasians work or maybe even teach in S. Korea?

What if you're black or mixed ethnicity?

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