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#1 Parent Ian Masterman - 2004-12-15

my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

#2 Parent Angel - 2004-11-01

Hello everyone,

If you would like to pair up as a "married" couple to teach ESL in lands such as Saudi or Russia,
then email me with copies of your CV, scanned recent photo, front page of your passport, one page introducing yourself, details such as height, weight, smoker/non-smoker, food likes/dislikes, religious orientation, physical activity levels/TV viewing levels, any family details you consider to be relavent, major dreams & passions, and date from when you are available to be married!

All applications will be treated with the strictist confidentiality.

All the best

President of ESL Matchmaking service!

#3 Parent gharwell1 - 2004-11-01
Leaving Saudi

Most countries require an Exit Visa. But so does Russia. Children can't leave without the father's signature.

I guess if you wanted to be rolled up in a carpet and shipped out with all the other excess baggage.....That could be done too.

Women can usually find work in International schools or at Universities teaching women. Of course you could also get a job as a private tutor for a Rich family. But then if you don't have sex with their teenage sons you could be there for the rest of your life as you would be unable to get an exit visa. It happens and there is nothing your government can do about it. It is safer to go with a Husband.

Of course you could say, "I'm an American or I'm a Brit and yak yak yak yak. Their reply may very well be to Cane you in the face and ask you where your abaya is to cover yourself up. Get to the back of the Bus. You are a Western woman and that makes you a prostitute so I will do with you what I want. If you are a teacher..... go with a Husband.
:( :( :(

#4 Parent Beatrix - 2004-11-01
The fat lady's camel.....

Dear Gharwell,

What are the opportunties like for women teachers?
I suppose there are more opportunities for men.

Is it true one needs 20 signatures to leave the country, or depart rolled in a persian rug?

Any suggestions welcome.


#5 Parent gharwell1 - 2004-10-31
Middle East

Raytheon/Salts is currently paying about $4300/Month. Add to that housing, medical and tickets and you have a good package. However, the students are extremely un and I stress UN-motivated. If you teach in Jeddah you are near the Desalinization plant which spews out Sulfur dioxide. That causes Lung infections so you may have a class of 13 students hacking germs in a very small classroom. Thus you get sick. I got a very deep dry cough and it took six weeks to get rid of it.

On the other side of the country, I worked for ARAMCO. Worst students I EVER had. In a class of about 18 students.. Well lets go from your left to your right..
The first three are having a conversation. The next three are also having a conversation. Then the next four are looking at Porn on their Cell phone. The next two or three are asleep. The rest are listening and working. They have been there for eight hours a day for two years and do not want to listen to anything you have to say. It does pay $5800 a month. The day before I left, they asked me if I wanted to stay and "Make some more MONEY" I turned them down and went to Russia for $600....

In Kuwait I had military students, I had students who said to me "What are these people going to do if we cause problems in class. We stood and fought and WE went to Prison Camp. They turned and Ran. What can they do?" Another student said, "NO Problem. When Saddam comes, we run away and call Bill Clinton and America. They come and take Saddam away and we come back."

In the classroom you earn your money. Every Penny of it and no matter how much it is.... you will always feel it's not enough. The Only way to survive is After Class activities. I chose Scuba Diving. Some of the best in the world is on the Arabian Peninsula.

To give you an example of just how good the diving is. I was down about 90' in the Cayman islands looking around to find something to look at. NOTHING. I decided then and there to go BACK to Saudi so I could get some Diving in. I had an offer in Riyadh which is in the desert and Religious police always chase you around or go to Jeddah for 20,000 dollars less. I chose Jeddah. I got on the plane as an English Teacher and when I got off I was a Sr. Technical Editor. i got to the job and there was absolutely NOTHING to do. I sat there for eleven months doing NOTHING relating to Editing. I did get to sit in on some High Dollar meetings ( 130 Million Dollar Contracts) and take and then transcribe the minutes. I also got to help some guys from ICAO (UN Civil Aviation people0) work on some RFP's. Those were interesting but the rest was doing nothing.

It can go either way but sometime during your contract you walk down the hall and say to yourself, "Is this what my life has amounted to." Payday comes and you feel better.

It takes a special mindset to work in the Middle East. It may take a couple of contracts until you get the hang of it.

Good luck to anybody who goes.

#6 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-31
Thanks....it's nice to hear from you guys over there

Informative and interesting....thanks

Is the work picking up or slowing down due to the situation in some places? Also, do they try to go for the Cambridge exams? Can you do privates? Lastly, it seems most places expect a Masters degree, is this true? M.E gigs are always seen as the best paying in all of ESL; hence, the standards seem higher.as they should be.

Sorry for the questions, and Im glad to hear from someone not in Korea, China or Japan. ESL teachers from your part of the world are a mystery to me. Either there arent many of you guys or you guys keep a VERY low profile.

Cheers >\-|

#7 Parent gharwell1 - 2004-10-31
Been there Done that and Got the T-shirt

I have approximately eight years in Saudi Arabia and another contract in Kuwait. I have taught Military, Banking, and Petrochemical company employees. I have also done a contract as Sr. Instructor for the Kuwaiti Air Defense Forces. In my work I have probably been to about forty different cities while level testing. In about three weeks I am going to another country in the Middle East because I want to go Scuba Diving every weekend for a few months.

Just don't be an Ethnochentric J##k O#f and expect them to be like you want them to and you should do fine. Find something to do besides sitting cooped up in your flat eating Noodle dishes with the other expats while you have a b##ch session and develop obscure exercises on the comma. But that goes for every country.

Don't be afraid to go to the Middle East. It may not be what you are used to but you can bet it will be different. Once you learn HOW to live there, it can be a lot of fun. Oh yea. You have to like Biege.

Also, remember that your concept of something and theirs are completely different. You can look at a chair and they will have a different idea about that chair than you do. Your ideas will almost NEVER CROSS and be the same.


#8 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-31
Yak! Yak!......Have you????

Many people on this humorous board have many things to say. They also
> have an opinion about Bush and the Middle East, etc..... Yak! Yak!
> Yak!


I have Arab-Canadian friends. I plan to go to the M.E. someday, when it settles down.hopefully. I wish I could help the people in Iraq, the only thing I can do is vote and donate. I wont go there for safety concerns and because I think theyve had enough of foreigners.

If youve taught ESL in the M.E., please elaborate.dont be shy. Id like to know how ESL is in Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Maybe some folks that have that experience can share.

#9 Parent gharwell1 - 2004-10-31
Has anyone actually been to the Middle East????

Many people on this humorous board have many things to say. They also have an opinion about Bush and the Middle East, etc..... Yak! Yak! Yak!
BUT..... has anyone actually been there, talked to people there, have friends from the Middle East or have taught with people from the Middle East?

Probably not!

#10 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30
my quote

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.", Shakespeare.

Yes, I know my acts, which you do not. I have put facts on this board but you haven't read them. I've helped people on this board, but I've not seen anything from you. I attack idiots like you, because, yes, it is fun. By the way, I'm studying on the Internet, that's why I'm on a lot. So you are entertainment. Thanks, it's rather fun to play with a simian.

"Now, Gump...don't get yo'self in no trouble with the Korean immigration ya, here."

Bye, bye ....and good riddance of bad rubbish

#11 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30
Boy, are you an id##t!!!

>:-( What are you talking about st##id!! I finished my honourable discharge. Boy are you a moron that knows nothing about anything.

Everyone dislikes me??? Wow, you polled everyone? Thats remarkable. How did you manage that? Even your rejoinder, Gump, isnt that brash.

As for therapy, thats like the pot calling the kettle black. If Im miffed, its at your vapid, silly remarks. In final words, as I know youll love to have the last one knowing your simian intelligence, Ill leave with a quote from Einstein:

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

March off to war arm-chair warrior.

#12 Parent me - 2004-10-30

hi beatrix,
i posted a question on here before and just wanted to say thank you for your positive words. i couldnt believe how negative certain people were.

#13 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30

Wow, I guess my Hitler hyperbole wasnt so bad compared to that one.

When you leave, please take Beatrix the Bit#h out with you. Then, maybe we can have peace without the war mongering Republicans.

Neither one of you served in a military but laud Bushs army. I did my time, you havent. Off you go..little Hitlers cadetsgo find a bad school that will take you.

Onward Christian soldiers...hup two three four...

#14 Parent Beatrix - 2004-10-30
[red]Me, listen up[/red]. "IGNORE ESL_ASIA"

Don't give in to such losers. Stay on the board, but don't read or reply to that geek.


#15 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30

Thank God. Two masters degrees. Yeh, from a diploma mill over the Internet maybe.

Yes, a person of your age with a 23 year old wife says it all. Im happily married to someone closer to my age. I guess you had to find a young one to match your mental age.

Really, your posts belie it all. Youre just a quack, a fake; please get out of ESL. Anyway, leaving this board will suffice for me.

bye, bye...Gumpy

#16 Parent me's clone - 2004-10-30
Thanks, Beatrix

Beatrix, again you are right on the mark. What ESL in ASia doesn't seem to realize is that if everyone is arguing with him, maybe he's the one having trouble getting along with people.

Well, it's vacation time for me ,folks.

#17 Parent me's clone - 2004-10-30
Shakespeare gets my last word of 2004

My students would miss me. You would too if I stopped replying to you. It is sad that this is all you have in your life. I have stated elsewhere how full my life is. I will go live it now - knowing,too, that I have helped many people over the years. You haven't helped any as far as I can see. And you haven't given any facts, either. Just a lot of crazed criticisms based on nthing.

Shakespeare should have been referring to you when he said " full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

#18 Parent me's clone - 2004-10-30
once again time to get away from this stuff

Every so often i get away from this discussion board and come back hoping to find enlightened people but esl asia and his ilk always seem to pop up - so it's time to take a vacation from it again knowing full well that i will be back sometime - and maybe he/she/it will be gone then.

In the meantime I will enjoy my life with my beautiful 23 year old wife in sometimes sunny Seoul and know full well that those who hammer away at my experience do so because they have none and those who doubt that I have two masters degrees and 27 years teaching experience also have neither of those.

Have fun people. I know I will - see you next year - happy holidays to all of you until then.

#19 Parent Beatrix - 2004-10-30
Go to the psychiatrist quickly!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you must be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, that's why you have too much time on your hands, and why your random jounal entries are so disordered. Get some therapy.

The reason no one likes you is that you are a negative person, who attacks others for contributing towards discussions re ESL and other topics. It's not an attack at you, but your unfortunate behaviour.

If you are in the army you are under orders whether you agree with them or not, if you like them or not, so this will be why you are no longer in the army, because you could not submit to leadership.


#20 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30
Ok "me's clone" you got me...you win Gumpis emeritus

Heres why your replies are useless: you give NO concrete examples, only mundane generalities. Ill back up what I say with facts from sources, if need be. In fact, I have. You, have nothing but smelly defecation oozing from your keyboard.

I think mes clone says it all too. How original is that? Go have that ulcer, and heres how you do it. Make sure you drink plenty of coffee, tea. If its a gastric, please take ibuprofen and aspirin in large doses to ensure proper mucosal erosion. Maybe its Helicobacter, in which case just dont take your antibiotics. In any event, lets nurture that ulcer so you can take time.a looooong time off from teaching. Im sure your students wont miss you.

#21 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30

Are you implying that your years have imparted wit on you??? I think that lights a little dim. Armed for what? Your rubber band energized one struggling brain cell? Boy, I better stop after 10 beers to match your wit.

#22 Parent me's clone - 2004-10-30
having fun wish your brain was here

Once again, you go for the attack. Funny thing is, using Forrest Gump as an example shows a little bit of your own ignorance(and there is oh so much to show) - forrest is a fictional character- if you want a true example of ignorance, you can try this Esl in Asia guy - now that's REAL ignorance.

You are making a lot of statements without a shred of evidence to back them up. But it's not surprising you doubt my credentials and my intelligence - you don't have the yardstick available to yourself to measure them.

Actually, I am just having fun with this whole situation - I got better things to give me ulcers than your continual ad hominems (which I am returning because that's the only level you sem to understand.)

#23 Parent me's clone - 2004-10-30
you have entirely too much time on your hands

Nope that last word was a mistake - surely - having made them in every single post you have here - you recognize them. I have been a teacher longer than your brain has been alive- and that was just after my first day of teaching!

Don't get into a battle of wits unarmed.

#24 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30
I've got something for you...

>:-( Thats weak. I was in the US Army many years ago. To die for an idiot is a waste of life on both sides.

You know nothing of service. You only know how to open that big fat mouth of yours and talk about things you have NO CLUE over. I really wish I could drop you into Fallujah so those Iraqis could teach you a few things. Sadly, theyd probably cut your head off and as much as I hate you, I feel that would be a bit extreme.

But if I did see you in person and you blew-off those Iraqi deaths in my face, I would exercise some equal rights and make a little blood come out of your little snout. In other words, Id punch you right in that stupid face of yours so you could feel a little pain...pain is a good reality check.

#25 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-30
here's the scoop

You know, I have this 10 year old Korean kid and former student which still e-mails me quite often. Hes a great kid and he loves baseball, as do I. So we both celebrated the Reds breaking the curse of the Bambino.

Yes, Koreans are great people, but you pulled a typical Republic shtick by obfuscating the point with nice words but never elucidating your main point. Of course North Koreans are suffering from the US imposed sanctions and Kim Jong Il with his psychotic concepts. However, your point was not made at all.

To say that Bush is brilliant with a long term scope means you didnt take your smart pill today. So lets do a little quick analysis shall we.

How things are looking in the long term:

Iraq disintegrates into the Kurds in the north, the split Sunnis and Shiites in the middle and south. From this chaos comes infiltration and influence in Turkey, Iran and Syria. Now, the Middle East is really cooking like a hot summer day in Baghdad. More Freedom Fighters are popping up everywhere and the US military cant contain it. The US is stretched thin and the budget deficit is in the red zone. Europe keeps out and Russia uses this to hit Chechnya really hard. The US will back off Russia because it needs what little allies it can garner.

The ensuing chaos then causes a confrontation with Iran. Iran and Israel already have a row over the nukes Iran is/has developing/developed. Israel gets angry and pops a few gunships over to Iran where the nukes are supposed to be. Then Iran retaliates. The price of oil not only stays over 55 USD a barrel but keeps going up due to this crisis. China is still drinking oil, sorry Dos, like an opium crazed junky (in addition to the US). Oil skyrockets and even ESL teachers cant find work due to the sagging economy.even in .yesChina. The US drops its product consumption, as people are maxing-out their credit cards and jobs are a scarcity. This will slow consumption of Chinese goods and slow its economy as well.

Lastly, Korea now is scared of pre-emption from the US and accelerates its own nuke program and possibly contributes help to Iran and others against the US.

How Bush couldve made things for long term:

The US couldve stayed with the UN. Since the US president has strong negotiating powers over Israel, a power brokerage couldve been sealed. The deal couldve been made with the Arab states like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, to name a few, to form a Muslim UN peace keeping contingency. Then the US couldve FORCED ISREAL to allow a Palestinian state and move out of the West Bank.

In return, the Muslim peace keeping force would move into Iraq and call for the peaceful hand over of Saddam. If that didnt happen, the UN-Muslim peace keepers would take out Saddam BUT LEAVE the infrastructure the same. The infrastructure would be less Saddam and his sons of course.

Then, the Muslim peace keepers could make a MUSLIM DEMOCRACY NOT an AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. The oil would be secured by OPEC and out of American hands. The Iraqi people would form a Muslim state similar to the one before Saddam was helped into power by the CIA. Iran would also be pressured but NOT sanctioned off. Israel would EXCEPT that it MUST not be a hegemony in the Middle East if peace is to continue. Since the US has the power to force Israel in that direction through its own sanctions, that wouldve given the US soooo much credibility in the Arab/Muslim world we wouldnt be having this discussion now.

Final analysis, Beatrix and Mr. me need a little more worldly understanding of history and politics before the postulate on how things will be. From the confines of their comfortable chair, religious myopia and sheltered middle-class life, they are indeed clueless of what is going on.

#26 Parent Beatrix - 2004-10-30
Money for modelling the army uniform and playing with toys.....


You must be David Bain or someone like him with references to injustice regarding conditions of imprisonment and religion.
Secondly, it is my understanding if you sign a contract with the army, it's not playing in the park with your toys and getting pocket money, plus free board. You are declaring your faith in the Government's ability to judge the military situation
nationally and internationally. You are there because you want to be there. YOu think that you have what it takes to defend your country and you are pretty damn'd good at the physical and mental aspects of the job. Obviously you need the money, but you have chosen this over another type of job.
So stop blaming Bush. Someone has to be the President.


#27 Parent whiteman - 2004-10-30
Bush is doing something???????

> All opponents of Bush are disgusted with the amount of carnage
> caused, as opposed to the possibility of more carnage later with the
> threats of a world dictator. Put your glasses on!(short-sighted).

> I realise it's simplisitic, but at least he did something, and my heart does go out to the people involved in all carnage and loss of life.

Ahhhhh...noooo.....Me thinking you shud putting you glasses on, too neh. :D

Ahhh.....soooo... des ka neh, Mr. Bush did something alright....neh...

Ahhhh.. nooooo...He.. neh...sending many many thousands and thousands of young, ignorant and innocent Americans...neh...to their graves for his own poilitical gains..neh.... and will keep doing so...neh.... >:-(

Ahhh... soooo....If members of your family...neh....ended up dead fighting....neh..or murdered in Iraq or any other countries...neh.... would you saying the same thing...neh.......

Ahhh...nooooo....me thinking..neh...you ...neh... will scolding vulgar words neh ... at Mr. bush....neh...

Ahhhh..nooooo.. so me thinking you....neh...must putting you glasses on and starting to thinking neh. >\-|


#28 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-29
You are right

Yes, Dos, you are right about my name calling. I stooped to his level indeed. Heres a man, Mr. me from now on, that is considering cutting and running from his ESL job because he did not open any dialog with his school. I wonder about this guys integrity.

You are right about an educated discussion. Indeed, Mr. me states that I need to study history, since I made a comparison to Hitler. I did say that Hitler was worse. But, here is why Im making a comparison:

1. Harassment of Arab-Americans by the FBI
2. Forced imprisonment of about 200 US CITIZENS without due process of law.
3. Held in prison with NO legal council for up to a year.
4. Invasion of privacy at the whim of the FBI WITHOUT a court order
5. Religious intolerance and faith-based programs.
6. Less scientific research if it doesnt pass the Christian Rights ideology test
7. More dangerous posturing of the US military
8. More weapons of mass destruction..ie, nuclear bunker busters
9. An unprovoked attack on a country with the surreptitious idea to take over its resources
10. Giving speeches that have no substantive value but emotive since it evokes God and the fear of terrorism in about over other sentence: mere theatrics actually.
11. Forcing prayer in public schools.

The list goes on and I dont have time. But, as you can see, the comparison can be drawn to the less heinous side of Hitler, albeit still bad.

The fact that people like Beatrix can hand wave over those poor peoples death from the confines of her comfortable chair is beyond me. Its these armchair world-do-gooders that are the scariest. They have neither seen death nor understand the horrors of governments. To them, everything is sanitized by their own reason and the help of the government and religion. Indeed, its real brave to talk about collateral damage from the confines of your home or even from 30,000 feet in a bomber. However, on the ground its a different story.

Sadly, not enough people think in this world. They just have knee jerk reactions or act entirely on emotion. They may spend two minutes analyzing the facts but lean to emotion.

Dos, you obviously have a bit more intelligence than most ESL teachers. Thats probably because of your background. Ive found that there seems to be a lot of rubbish teaching English out there.

Its really hard to tell if its the school thats bad or the teacher, since Ive met some real base people in this field. Some teachers probably couldnt do better than McDs. I met one guy from South Carolina that was a billboard painter and he told me that he was teaching to look for a wife. His accent and grammar were pitiful.

Sadly, only you and TAO are great writers and interesting on this board. In fact thats why I like to stay here. But, those others that cant articulate more than a sentence or two, and sometimes grammatically incorrect, are not capable of intellectual thought or discussion.

So I will close by saying, Im sorry for the baseless insults, but I was tired of Mr. me and his dribble. For Beatrix, I invite an intellectual discussion.

#29 Parent Beatrix - 2004-10-29

The Koreans are separated by a DMZ, which forced family members apart. When the leader of North Korea passes on, the Government Department that deals with the Reunification of the Koreas will step in.
Bush in his superior knowledge realises that the world is playing a waiting game. If the North comes under the South, then Unified Korea will be a little like North America, but with kimchi and soju, etc.

Public opinion is that all of North Korea is waiting for the leader to pass on, for freedom. That his reign will not be perpetuated. They are hungry, cold, have to do what the leader assigns for life, including employment, and where they live, including city.
Many South Koreans go up to the border to gaze across the border, waiting, hoping and praying. There are statues of Mary, Buddha, etc. There is even a re-unification video that only the South Korean nationals are allowed to watch. Little girls cry........

Each nation is a different case with different ideaologies and beliefs.

I have personally noticed how affectionate Koreans are. Little boys hug and are very close to each other, so how can you judge their nature if you have not seen it first hand? I could not believe how close relationships are between Korean nationals, even bus drivers. Something that the west could learn from I'd say.

There are cross border sports trips, reunification of family visits, hiking groups are taken to the North from the South.

So this is why I am not SCARED of Bush and his methods.

You can't assume that because a happened today, then b will happen next time. Individuals are individuals.

Trying really hard to be objective,

#30 Parent Dos - 2004-10-29
Bush, Beatrix, EIA and 'me'

Whilst I wouldn't go so far as to call Bush 'Hitler', I am going to have to agree with EIA on this one. Bush, Blair etc invaded with no legal sanction, using 'scaremongering' excuses that have since been shown to be what they were.
Saddam was certainly less of a threat than North Korea, but I guess Korea had a huge army, probably couple of nukes and is also right next to China. Of course, it doesn't have any oil either.
So now Saddam is down, should we expect Bush to attack all the other dictatorships in the world. Why stop their? The Kingdoms are also not democracies, they might pose a threat in years to come, better take them out now...
All Bush has done in set a precident for other countries, who wouldn't have dared before, to attack using the 'pre-emptive strike' excuse. Well done Bush, I will sleep safer in my bed tonight. >:-(

As for all this name calling; 'Me', EIA, stop it. If I want to see 7 year olds squabbling I can do that in one of my classes. Let me read some educated arguments, which I know you are capable of.

If you don't, then I will tell my dad. :b

#31 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-29
Please get a better pair of glasses

Boy, are you blind!!! The attack had NOTHING to do with weapons of mass destruction, since there weren't any. There were NO links to Al-Qa'ida found. What was the rush to war? It was for a failing US economy and the need to secure the oil so America can remain a dominant country in the world...not to mention cheap oil.

Yes Saddam was bad and so is Omar Kadafi. North Korea HAS weapons of mass destruction (nuclear). Why werent they attacked???

A full UN solution could have and should have been made. Now, the best estimate is that Iraq will be in chaos if not outright civil war and ruin.

Little Georgy has the mental wit of Hitler and the ideology of the very fanatics he wants to kill. Your view is the governments hook-line-and-sinker theyve spinned: which you swallowed whole, Im afraid.

Anyway, the truth is unraveling as we speak. You can argue and argue but one only has to read the news.

To trivialize the deaths of those people as a just death for Bushs plan of democracy is insensitive of you at best and outright scary at worst, to tell you the truth. However, what you or I say won't matter, you will see that you are wrong, even with those coke bottle goggles you're wearing.

Also, notice that I didnt attack you about Clinton. Personally, I didnt like him that much. I stand on principle NOT party.

Anyway, I do appreciate that your response is a little more detailed than the rebuttal by Gumpy.

#32 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-29
Forest Gump, please refrain from posting!!!

:? I'm sooooo sorry to hurt your poor little feelings. Please don't cry. Sorry, but Ill stand by the comparison; however,for the sake of this board, Ill refrain from being political.

However, thats not quite how you put it with your first response. Once again, your loquacious response makes me think you neither taught before nor have much of an education past high-school.

But dont worry, I dont want to hurt your feelings even though your compassion is about as thin as your understanding of history. Too bad really, as you are abroad spreading, no doubt, that same wit and mental finesse in the classroom.

#33 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-29
Ok, Gump

Oh, you really know history. Do you know anything??

O >:-( Ok Gump, you asked for it.

Any I##OT that would go to a foreign country on a tourist visa, and find out until its almost too late that the school did nothing, asks for trouble. Now, you beseech others to help you in your blunder. Is this someone that can even fathom history?????

Really, I hope they have the sense to kick your Gump butt out of Korea. You would obviously give REAL teachers, the ones that have an education past high-school, a bad name.

So China, lookout, heeeeere comes me. Yes, the man that invented a name soooooo original that we all dropped our jaw in response his innate puns. Yes, A man that can only articulate one to two grunts at a time because he cant think of any diatribe more than a few simple nouns and adjectives.

"Simple is as simple does", eh, Gumpy???

#34 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-29
Was that also a colloquialism Gumpy??

China is the most capitalistic nation I have ever been any.

Boy, really, I bet that school didn't come through because you're really just illiterate. Hence, they recognized that and refused to work on a visa for you. Now, you want to cut and run to another city that you can try your ruse as an English teacher again. Hopefully, that school will not hire you either. Yes, keep running, maybe someone will hire you...maybe.

Sure China is a capitalistic nation with a communist government. So what. I guess you mean that by having a capitalistic element that its somehow finished developing and has reached your republic standards. Yes, forget the communist element...its just a minor nuisance.

Boy, Gumpy, are you from Dothan, Alabama?

#35 Parent me - 2004-10-29
I beg to differ (an expression, I am not actually begging)

Comparing Bush to Hitler is a ridiculous comparison. Saying that the comparison is ridiculous is not a slam of you, but of a statement you made. You are the one making the ad hominem attacks. It would be nice if you'd stop.

#36 Parent me - 2004-10-29
Capitalism, I choose

China is the most capitalistic nation I have ever been any. :)

#37 Parent me - 2004-10-29
Right on, Beatrix!

The sad thing is that there are people who believe that Clinton was absolutely right in doing nothing at all. Bush did what needed to be done, Beatrix. I agree with you fully on that. Amazing that someone would compare Bush with Hitler as another respondent did. People who can do that need to study history.

#38 Parent Beatrix - 2004-10-29
Political comments......mind your p's and q's

If you had to do something in your job description such as bring peace to the envirnoment, and didn't do it, then you'd be guilty for ommission of duties, because that was your responsibility. You'd be warned maybe disciplined, even lose your job.

So in consideration of Bush's move against Saddam Hussein, don't you think he would have been criticised if he did nothing?

If he was successful with no carnage he'd be Superman.

All opponents of Bush are disgusted with the amount of carnage caused, as opposed to the possibility of more carnage later with the threats of a world dictator. Put your glasses on!(short-sighted).

There are many people killed on our roads everyday-this is the price of having roads. Should we then have no roads, and then ride elephants and camels around instead, and appoint a zoo keeper as the road police?

I realise it's simplisitic, but at least he did something, and my heart does go out to the people involved in all carnage and loss of life.

#39 Parent whiteman - 2004-10-28
Now me saying something

Confucionism give China people manny many learning and thinking. But some Chinese school still no learning. Some students and their parents still no thinking. Now me still is thinking, is China still Communism,Capitalism or Corruptionism hmmmm.... me now lost thinking. Me know confucius no thinking bad things but giving many many good learning. Now what you people thinking?

#40 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-28
what 27 years again???

:D Oh, the old pass it off as a colloquialism shtick, eh. Great, but put it in quotes so we know YOU know the difference. Indeed, students of English and employers read this board. Indeed, some folks really cant use English that have written on this board.

Next, the fact that you attacked me when I poured my heart out the VERY first time I was on this board DOES make me a serious guy and I GUESS YOU DIDNT PICK UP ON THAT. You dont slam someone, even if you disagree, unless, of course, they slam you first. My comparison of Bush is bang on and Ill stick by it. And I probably have a better grasp of history than maybe even you.

Ah, you say youve lived through those years. You went to school barefoot, backwards up hill in -50C weather. The fact is, you can live through things close-minded and obtuse. Im not saying you did, but your analysis is wrong. Bush can be compared to Hitler from the point of view of world discordance and the war solves everything mentality thats led to collateral damage and chaos. But, it is a hyperbole to some extent. I've probably read more history than you from historians that are much older than even you.

I wouldnt taut 27 years of experience teaching because Confucius says something to the effect that those that CAN DO need NOT say anything. I dont brag about stuff because I feel it's very gauche. Again, you can have 27 years of bad habits too.

Listen, I hate to be so acerbic. Contrary to belief, I'd rather be pondering how to make ESL life better instead of attacking you. Whether you believe that or not is your point of view. :O

#41 Parent me - 2004-10-28
27 years teaching - is it something to be ASHAMED of???

Some people take themselves just a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit too seriously. If you had taught for 27 years, you'd probably not do that. >\-|

Let's all have fun because we all die in the end.

#42 Parent me - 2004-10-28
It ain't no such thing!

I know that it is Confucius never said any such thing -- no such thing is a colloquial I used that was supposed to show I was just teasing with my apparent seriousness of my reply. Guess you didn't pick up on that (and, yes, I know that is a colloquialism,too).

#43 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-27
English teacher for 27 years????

Confucius never said no such thing! Besides you can't learn without thinking or think without learning

I don't like correcting simple mistakes but this is a big one and it needs attention: "Confucius never said ANY such thing!". Don't use a double negative. That's English 101, "me".

#44 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-27
With a name like "me" can you expect thought

Yes, the wit of "me" is tempered by 27 years of expert teaching. As "me" will happily tell you..over and over...and over.

#45 Parent S.B. - 2004-10-27
Isaiah says:

He who walks righteouly and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands from holding a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking upon evil, he will dwell on the heights; his place of defence will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given to him, his water will be sure. Your eyes will see the King in his beauty: they will see a land that stretches far.
Isaiah 33:15-17

#47 Parent me - 2004-10-27
he who speaks in riddles fiddles

Confucius never said no such thing! Besides you can't learn without thinking or think without learning >\-|

x21 - 2004-10-26
Confucius say:

He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

Welcome to China english teachers.

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