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#1 Parent RAMBO - 2004-11-07
The hokey tokey

You put ESL_IN_ASIA in,
With a rubber over his head,
You take him back out,
You put him back in,
And shake him all about,
You do the hokey tokey,
And what do you have?
A rubber head!!!!!!!!!!

#2 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-07
RAMBO is an impostor of an English teacher

RAMBO is an impostor of an English teacher because he/she/it cant spell imposter correctly.

It wasnt I that did this to you Mr. RAMBO, so go find Adrian and seek her condolences that someone else probably finds you a jackass.

To use the dumb RAMBO song....a one...a two...hit it

You put a Jethro speaking teacher in and you
get a Jethro speaking foreign student out
And thats what this stupid jackass is all about

RAMBO, youd better retake your GED because it really shows buddy.

#3 Parent spelling lesson - 2004-11-07

Looks like RAMBO needs a RAMBO English lesson. Hey, its not imposter it is impostor. Now could we please stop the childish songs the both of you?

#4 Parent RAMBO - 2004-11-06
ESL_IN_ASIA is an imposter of RAMBO!

You put ESL_IN_ASIA in,
You get a pa-bo out,
You flip him like a burger,
And shake him all about,
Add him to your sandwich,
And wolf it all down,
That's what it's all about!


#5 Parent RAMBO - 2004-11-06
I'm just an i##ot

You put a RAMBO in you get wimp out
You put an i##ot in you still get an i##ot out
And thats what ESL is all about

#6 Parent RAMBO - 2004-11-06
You teachers are wimps

I will kick anybody into the toilet that messes with me. I am RAMBO the invincible teacher with a GED. Heythis toilet water is not so bad when you taste it. It sure is better than Chinese water.

#7 Parent RAMBO - 2004-11-06
More Hoki Toki Capers................

You put a med student in,
You take an army GI out,
You put a dumb esl teacher in,
And swish it all about.
You do the flush flush,
And turn around,
That's what its all about! :b

#8 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-06

You put dumb ESL teacher in
you get a dumb ESL teacher out
You put a rock in his brain and it rattles all about

that's what this imposter's post is about...yuk yuk

#9 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-06
I want to HOKI TOKI! CAN I?

Put me in,
And take me out,
Dunk me in,
And shake me all about,
I want to go swimming,
In that porcelain dish,
That's what it's all about.
Now Flush it, and put the
Seat up for G#$@"s Sake!

#10 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-06
Que Lastima, pero es verdad


#11 Parent Don Pedro - 2004-11-05

Any school that would require holders of only one partiular kind of TEFL certificate and exclude all others is not the kind of place I would want to work for, in any instance. It only shows narrow mindedness on the part of the administration and a willingness to deprive its students of possibly even better teachers than the ones employed with the required certification. ;)

#12 Parent Ricky - 2004-11-05

You put your family and friends in,
Take your salary out,
You put your mental heath in,
And mix it all about,
You do the Hoki Toki,
Flush it-and have a panic attack,
That's what it's all about!

#13 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-05
Point taken and point missed

Yes you are absolutely correct. But, thats not what I said. I did NOT say the CELTA or Trinity guarantees a better teacher. You need to read a bit more carefully what I said. I fully agree with you that its the quality of the teacher, as can be said for university graduates as well.

The point you missed is that, if I had to spend 1500 smacks on a course, Id like it to be one I know is well monitored. As I said before, there are many good schools out there but Id rather trust one well monitored program. Thats my point and please feel free to spend your money on what ever piece of paper you wish.

Also, I realize its a piece of paper, so tell that to the many schools abroad that require it. 8)

#14 Parent Richard - 2004-11-05
The Hoki Toki

You put your CV in,
And your Degree in too,
You take your contract out,
And splash it all about,
You do the hoki toki,
Next you flush it fast,
Whilst spinning all around,
That's what it's all about!


#15 Parent Don Pedro - 2004-11-05
Not Even

I would hopefully pick the better teacher. I would base my selection on a whole host of factors, i.e., experience, attitude, education just to name a few. I would pay little or no attention to the TEFL course they completed as my experience has been that no one particular TEFL type course is a guarantee of a good teacher.

What you seem to be saying is that an average graduate of a Trinity or CELTA is somehow or other automatically better than a graduate of some other course. Utter nonsense.

To close your mind and restrict your selection of a good teacher for your students and school to holders of particular type TEFL certificates is to deprive your students and your school of some of the very best.

How many students do you know who go around saying, "My teacher has a CELTA!" On the other hand, I know many who go around saying, "My teacher is great. My English is getting better."

Students could care less what certificate their teacher has. Only that he or she can teach. No certificate can guarantee that. Not a one. Not even ones certified by the British Council.

#16 Parent Observer two - 2004-11-04
hoki poki teacher

yep, another non-certified english teacher. hoki poki is probably what you teach

#17 Parent Rich - 2004-11-04
Hoki Toki flush flush

In drops some brown stuff,
and yellow stuff too,
In goes some white stuff,
And mix it all about,
You do the flick-flick and flush-flush too,
(With all of your might),
That's what it's all about!

#18 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-04
It's your money...do as you please

Dont confuse the issue please. Its not that the CELTA or Trinity will guarantee you are a great or even mediocre teacher; its the guarantee that you will not spend money on a poor training program. You are right that there may be many great programs out there; however, the market is NOT regulated like higher education. The British Council is the only government sanctioned body that I know of which recommends these TEFL teacher training programs. Both programs are monitored by their home institutions: Cambridge and Trinity College.

If the TEFL training industry had accreditation bodies, as universities and colleges do, then we wouldnt be having this discussion. Listen, if I had to spend $1,200 to $1,500 of my hard earned cash, then Id like to know that my certificate comes from a program that has a well known positive reputation and is monitored for competence, as the CETLA and Trinity are. Maybe you could create a non-profit board for this? Until then, be careful where you plunk your dinaro.

#19 Parent Robert Newman - 2004-11-04
And another thing

I totally agree with you, there are graduates from thousands of TEFL courses working all over the world, and no matter how good a is you can never make a good teacher out of someone who doesn't have the aptitude for teaching. However, when a school is presented with two teachers with the same aptitude and skills, and everything being equal, except one graduated with a Trinity, the other with a TEFL Int, which is the school going to hire? I know which I would choose.

#20 Parent Don Pedro - 2004-11-04
Couple of Things

A couple of things, I understand TEFL International grads and grads of other comparable TEFL training programs are teaching around the world having experienced little or no problem in finding more than satisfactory employment.

Believe it or not, there is life outside of having a certificate "recognized by the British Council" and some of it is even better than the life enjoyed by teachers holding a certificate "recognized by the British Council."

My experience has been that it all comes down to the individual teacher and very little of that relates directly to the training program accomplished or not accomplished. :b

#21 Parent Robert Newman - 2004-11-03

TEFL Int is a reasonable teacher trainer company, but I must agree with ESL_IN_ASIA, get a real TEFL quailification that is recognised anywhere, not just Thailand.

Kelly - 2004-11-02
TEFL International

Can anyone offer input on TEFL International? Are they in any way affiliated with the ailing ITC? TEFL International states that they are externally validated by IATQUO. Is this an internationally recognized accreditation?

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