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#1 Parent Dos - 2004-11-08
Do it themselves

I would recommend that you get the students to right the plays themselves. Split them into groups and have a competition to see who can do the best one.
Stress that they don't have to re-create 'The Matrix', just do a simple story of everyday life.
I think you will be suprised at what they can achieve.

#2 Parent Robert Newman - 2004-11-07

Try here: http://www.caithness.org/links/bookandfulltextsonline.htm

You might find something usable.

#3 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-11-07
Something this board is useful for...

Well, ozge, youve come to the right place. Im sure Jethro and RAMBO will be great for any material you may need. Just copy and past from here and make a great script!!!
>\-| :b

ozge - 2004-11-07
short plays

i am looking for interestin short plays for my high school students.
With Love,

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