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#1 Parent Aussie Girl - 2008-07-28
Re: Aston English Wuhan - Teachers Discussion

Yeah, I agree with you Steve..Sharing an apartment is really not a problem, but a great help especially for a new comer , unless you'll create a problem and closed minded thinking about hassles and problems...It's a matter of choice anyway..And being treated like an outside by other teachers??..What a pity if it happens to Choatle...but,so far not me...again ,it's just a matter of how you handle things around you and won't feel any bitterness of your past experiences..

Again,I disagree to other posters telling that all Aston Schools are crap...My school is one of the best....exceptionally best...Hhhahhahaaa..Welcome here!!!

#2 Parent Heidi - 2008-07-28
Re: Aston English Wuhan - Teachers Discussion

I think it is interesting in these posts that the level headed people seem to be the most clear andreasonable. When you read through these pages you come across articulate people writing about their experiences, and others who write and sound like spoiled children. The connection is that the mature paople have a good time in China, relating well to their schools and peers, while the others seem to be natural magnets of negative energy. Likely the later group of people failed at home, only coming to China to fail once again. Anyone researching these pages should take negative comments with a pinch of salt, as the vast majority of teachers in China are happy and do not spend their time reading through or adding to these pages.

#3 Parent Steve - 2008-07-27
Re: Aston English Wuhan - Teachers Discussion

I think your comments about treatment by the school are a little at odds with each other: You say that they treat you well, but treat you like crap at the same time. Aren't those things mutually exclusive?

To paraphrase: You don't care if you are snubbed, and treat like an outsider, by other teachers? Where did that comment come from?! Did this happen to you at an Aston school? You seem a little bitter about a past experience you've had teaching in China. If so, then I'm sorry about that, but don't tar all schools with the same brush, because thats just not fair - and you know it.

Regarding the shared apartments: In my experience people often see that as a plus point, since it means that when coming to a (very!) foreign country like China they have an instant friend to help them settle in. It was certainly a plus point for me when I first got here. If you prefer to shun your colleagues, then that is your choice... and seems to tie in with your comments I mention in my previous paragraph.

And finally, no, we cannot "all agree" that Aston is a bottom of the barrel school - though you are obviously entitled to your opinion, do not expect everyone to think the way you do.

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