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#1 Parent Aaron - 2008-07-31
Re: Aston English School

I agree that it is important to some keep identity secret when posting on public forums. I was not calling on those posting here to reveal themselves, but rather stick to posting about their own experience. I think this is especailly important if one takes the position, as some clearly do on these pages, that they somehow have the authority to bestow blessings or defimation on particular schools.

Alot of what gets posted here by some of the longer term posters is slanderous, and does not seem to be rooted in their actual experience working anywhere. The tone of language in many of these postings certainly is not what anyone would/should expect from an educator. It is also all very generic and not really informative to anyone other than the most simple minded who will believe anything they read.

I also can't begin to understand that anyone who is living and teaching in China, even part time, could possibly have any kind of a life while at the same time managing to post here 20 times a day, as some of the most ridiculous of the community here do. Anyone spending their life in China sitting a a computer all day badmouthing English School they have never worked at should raise big red flags to those looking over these pages for proper advice.

#2 Parent Aaron - 2008-07-31
Re: Aston English School

Basically, Aaron,I would agree - information posted here should be verifiable for others to judge whether it is credible or not.

However, there are some reasons why people sometimes do not or cannot do so. One of the (legitimate) reasons may be the seurity aspect - if I or someone else gave more details, either your privacy may be at risk or a teacher complaining about an undecent school may get serious problems with his school for posting inbformation here. In China, it could mean of being locked up in a room by the respective employer or his aides, it may mean verbal or physical threats that for a foreigner are not easy to deal with becaus of the general language barrier and the lack of rule of law in China (police or other officials being bribed by the same evil bosses if they have got something to hide). Other friends and myself have experienced such situations, and it may happen elsewhere again.

This should not serve as a general excuse for not posting such information, all I want to say that in exceptional cases there may be legitimate reasons not to do so.

#3 Parent Aaron - 2008-07-31
Re: Aston English School

I would say that the obvious answer to this would be that posts describing a teachers actual experience working at a school, weather that be positive or negative, are to be valued. General ranting posts that people write about places they have never worked are slanderous and have no place in a forum of educators.

I have noticed that the most negative of the folks here never talk about their actual experiences, while the more intelligent postings do. Instead of another rant attacking this email, it would be nice to hear something about the places where your currently work or worked previously.

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