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#1 Parent Dos - 2004-11-18
Poor Paul!

Hi Paul, case of the blues today?

There are other schools which offer overtime and so on. My school values the English teachers (if only because we are the main commodity!!!) We set the course work (within company guidlines, though these are not stringent and quite flexible) and we set and mark exams.
OT is available in private schools, though mostly during the summer and winter peak seasons, depends on the school. I save a reasonable amount here, and even in my old schools, where my pay was much less I saved without living too badly.

I seriously agree with you about the hygene though! I have seen the likes of the peeing and pooping kids (and adults!!) on the streets and in the middle of eateries. Gaaa! I sometimes mutter under my breath, just loud enough for them to hear. (Means, 'country bumpkin').

There can also be a career path in some of the larger private schools, though it is obviously more limited than it would be back in the west.

I agree with you, mostly, about the 'friendship' of the Chinese, though I do think you are being a little cynical. On the other hand, I don't mind being wined and dined for speaking English!! I have made good friends as well, and I know others who have, so it isn't all bad!

Your contract states you can't work in a second job, but I think that is only fair really. The school is the one that has gone to the trouble of recruiting you after all, and it isn't *that* easy to find teachers! Having said that, I know of some teachers who do 1 on 1 work here and there, and as long you are discreet you can usually make some on the side, if that is your wont.

I agree about the pollution as well. :( Cough cough, but there are plus sides as well to the old dragon! Come on smile it's nearly Christmas! Oh, wait, no, they don'thave that here. Hehe. ;)

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